The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 09/17/2016

Without the correct Names, the Names of Yahweh and Yahshua, there is absolutely no Salvation. Therefore, the world needs the Message from The House of Yahweh to set all things right. Then there is an opportunity for life. Our Great Teacher, Yisrayl Hawkins began his sermon with comments on today’s news events, telling us that [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 09/17/20162017-05-31T02:39:58-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 09/10/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… Yahweh is the only One capable of “pulling all the strings” to bring His Work out in a Babylonish land at a set time in history, able to present the Message of Peace and Life to the world. Sons of Yisrayl Abel Deacon Yoshiyah [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 09/10/20162017-05-31T02:40:07-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 09/03/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… In preparation for the weekly Sabbath, our Prep Day should not be about seeking entertainment, shopping, or having fun, it should be about preparing for the Sabbath. As part of our preparation, we may consider listening to a sermon or two, revisiting our notes [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 09/03/20162017-05-31T02:40:14-04:00

A Personal Invitation to a Feast with Yahweh

Who is Yahweh?! You would think that everyone in the world would know the Name of the Creator, but only a few know. Yahweh is the One Who inspired the Holy Scriptures to which most people refer to as the bible. However, that’s not the name given by Inspiration and written by Yahweh’s Prophets and [...]

A Personal Invitation to a Feast with Yahweh2016-09-04T07:30:53-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 08/27/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… Isayah 59 describes the world today; verse 10 states people would grope in the dark for answers, but the answers are found at The House of Yahweh. Sons of Yisrayl Abel, Odahyah and Deacon White Buffalo spoke on how to avoid war and the [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 08/27/20162017-05-31T02:40:22-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 08/20/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… A wise, widely known old adage is seldom adhered to today – “two wrongs never make a right.” On this day, Yisrayl Hawkins reminds us of Yahweh’s Laws, which tells us not to hold a grudge and be ready to forgive, establishing that there [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 08/20/20162017-05-31T02:40:28-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 08/13/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… Mosheh said to the people; “Do not fear, for Yahweh has come to test and prove you, so that the reverence for Yahweh will be with you, so that you do not commit sin.” (Exodus 20:20) On this day… a House of Yahweh Women’s [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 08/13/20162016-08-20T18:59:50-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 08/06/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… Daniyl 12:12 blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty five days. Sons of Yisrayl Abel Barzillai and Deacon Abishalom spoke on how to receive Yahweh’s protection as well as allowing our tests and trials to bring [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 08/06/20162017-05-31T02:40:32-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 07/30/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… Focus not on the world’s problems and take one side over the other, but rather focus on the fact that the world will continue to have problems, because they “do not know to do Righteousness.” Therefore, let us direct our present efforts to becoming [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 07/30/20162017-05-31T02:40:39-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 07/23/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… Genesis 3:1: Now the serpent was more subtle and crafty than any beast of the field... FYI, the word Vatican means divining serpent, and the word Catholic means the worship of all gods. Services began with Son of Yisrayl Abel, Deacon Nabayah bringing forth [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 07/23/20162017-05-31T02:40:49-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 07/16/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… Thousands of years before Yahshua Messiah was born, Prophecies were written to describe the Work that Yahweh, Yahshua, Yisrayl and The House of Yahweh would do in the Last Days. Only Yahweh could accomplish this foretelling-feat. Praise Yahweh! Sons of Yisrayl Abel, Deacon Yeshurun, [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 07/16/20162016-07-23T19:18:23-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 07/09/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… Today we are facing global nuclear war. This is a direct result of sin. Kohan Michayl asks us a question, “Do we really want to go back to sin?” Sons of Yisrayl Abel Deacon Buffalo Bill and Deacon Yisrayl David brought forth two strong [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 07/09/20162017-05-31T02:40:52-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 07/02/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… Since January 2016, The House of Yahweh websites have received “hits” from 187 out of 196 countries. The congregation gave shouts of Praise Yahweh! It seems the great multitude is “tuned in”! Sons of Yisrayl Abel, Odahyah and Deacon White Buffalo, took the opportunity [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 07/02/20162016-07-09T17:48:51-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 06/25/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… We thank Yahweh for His Servant Yisrayl, who does not hesitate to correct and encourage us on a regular basis. Reminding us that we ought to be thankful, for Yahweh has indeed redeemed us from our past sins and given us the great opportunity [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 06/25/20162017-05-31T02:41:03-04:00

Feast of Pentecost Two-Day Event, June 11-12, 2016

Feast Recap at the Great House of Yahweh… They laughed at Noah, but that did not stop the floods from destroying the earth. Today, they laugh at Yisrayl and The House of Yahweh, but that will not stop the STDs from destroying the environment. A few points covered by the Sons of Yisrayl Abel, the [...]

Feast of Pentecost Two-Day Event, June 11-12, 20162016-07-01T19:41:07-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 06/18/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… Sound advice is to take up a pen or pencil and write out words from Yisrayl’s sermons. Listen to them and jot them down as a means of study. There is a connection between the written word and our mind’s ability to assimilate content [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 06/18/20162017-05-31T02:41:06-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 06/04/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… We have hope because of The House of Yahweh, and we must be willing to share that hope with others. Three Scriptures reveal our hope … 1) Acts 3:19 because we understand true repentance, and we submit ourselves to conversion to Yahweh’s Laws, 2) [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 06/04/20162017-05-31T02:41:10-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 05/28/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the Message of Peace, who bring glad tidings of Righteous things… Romans 10:15. The Peaceful Solution Missionary Trip to Washington, D.C. May 2016 featured prominently on this day. We also received [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 05/28/20162017-05-31T02:41:13-04:00

The Feast of Passover and Unleavened Bread, 2016, Part III

The Feast of Passover and Unleavened Bread, 2016 brought a bright slice of springtime and a wealth of knowledge associated with the color emerald green – depicting growth, learning, and understanding, all with an attitude of servitude. Seder evening was delightful as usual; however, Yahweh’s children brought a touch of change as they answered the [...]

The Feast of Passover and Unleavened Bread, 2016, Part III2016-06-04T18:55:31-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 05/21/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… If you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the publicans do the same? Therefore, become perfect, just as your Father Who is in heaven is perfect. (Mattithyah 5:47-48) On this twenty-first day of the Omer, we [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 05/21/20162017-05-31T02:41:23-04:00

The Feast of Passover and Unleavened Bread, 2016, Part II

“Chipping Away” Deception Most of us are familiar with The House of Yahweh teachings, which chip away at that “great mountain of deception” that has engulfed the whole world. Therefore, it came as no surprise that this Feast provided more chipping and more understanding of the Holy Writings as taught by the Great Kohans. The [...]

The Feast of Passover and Unleavened Bread, 2016, Part II2017-05-31T02:41:26-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 05/14/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… In response to efforts to build weaponry by the nations, Yisrayl Hawkins speaks clearly saying, force does not change people in positive ways; it only builds hate. Yahweh’s Laws are the only tools needed to change the hearts and minds today. The Greatest Teacher [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 05/14/20162017-05-31T02:41:30-04:00

Feast of Passover and Unleavened Bread 2016 – Part I

Yahshua’s Memorial Two thousand years ago, Yahshua Messiah willingly died at the hands of cruel, ruthless men. He had committed no crime. He had committed no sin. He had pleased Yahweh in every way. He qualified to be Yahweh's Passover Lamb. He paid the ultimate price for the sins of mankind. He gave His life. [...]

Feast of Passover and Unleavened Bread 2016 – Part I2016-05-21T13:11:27-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 04/09/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… Yahweh said He would take them to a land flowing with milk and honey – they rejected it. Most people do not realize that it was not actual milk and honey rejected by the elders and children of Israyl; it was the Prophecies and [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 04/09/20162017-05-31T02:41:37-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 04/02/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… The End is not about the earth coming to a dreadful annihilation, but rather it will be the end of a sinful world with its evil ways. The earth itself will remain. Son of Yisrayl Abel, Buffalo Bill spoke on the blessings of teaching [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 04/02/20162017-05-31T02:41:41-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 03/26/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… “We can’t lie to Yahweh,” therefore there is no point in lying to counselors who are appointed to help us overcome all sin and come to the perfection of Yahweh’s Righteous character. Quoting Yisrayl Hawkins and by reading pertinent scriptural verses, Sons of Yisrayl [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 03/26/20162016-04-02T00:28:14-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 03/19/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… There are many tales describing historical events surrounding the destruction of the Second Temple in Yerusalem. Only with Yisrayl Hawkins and a line-upon-line study of the facts can anyone hope to learn the entire truth. Praise Yahweh, we have listened to Yisrayl and are [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 03/19/20162016-03-26T19:21:36-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 03/12/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… Going over the Great Plan of Yahweh, Yisrayl Hawkins encourages us not to let anyone pull us away from the Work of Yahweh to which we were called. Son of Yisrayl Abel, Yoshiyah reminds us on the value of our tests and trials. Scripture [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 03/12/20162016-03-19T13:28:50-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 03/05/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… There is a new history underway in The House of Yahweh. For centuries, the abbreviations AD and BC have defined eras and times. Since the word Christ has nothing to do with our High Priest and Savior, Yahshua, (because it is a name of [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 03/05/20162016-03-12T00:27:15-05:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 02/27/2016

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 02/27/2016 A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… Where else but The House of Yahweh would we receive an explanation for Revelation 9:4? It was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, nor any tree [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 02/27/20162017-05-31T02:41:51-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 02/20/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… In keeping the Great Laws of Yahweh, there is great reward. Today’s services refreshed our commitment to work out our own Salvation and reach for the goal – Eternal Life in the Great Kingdom of Yahweh. Son of Yisrayl Abel, Barzillai, began today’s services [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 02/20/20162017-05-31T02:41:58-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 02/13/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… “If it’s not forever, we don’t want it” is a popular slogan in The House of Yahweh, because we understand that the glitter/glamour of the world is only temporary, useless, and passing away. The Laws of Yahweh, on the other hand, are forever. Son [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 02/13/20162017-05-31T02:42:05-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 02/06/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… Negative influences today include an overwhelming push toward fornication, but there are consequences to this unlawful act—the evidence is increased sickness and disease throughout the world. We were blessed to hear from two Sons of Yisrayl Abel today, Buffalo Bill and Deacon Melchizedek. Their [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 02/06/20162016-02-13T01:00:42-05:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 01/30/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… He who conceals his sins will not be blessed, but he who confesses and forsakes them will have mercy (Proverbs 28:13). Learning what sin is and how to overcome is what we learn at the Great House of Yahweh. Young Deacon Yeshurun, a Son [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 01/30/20162017-05-31T02:42:15-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 01/16/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… They who wait on Yahweh will renew their strength; they will mount up with wings as eagles, they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint. Isayah 40:31 Women’s Presentation by the Queens and Daughters of Yisrayl Abel to bring [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 01/16/20162017-05-31T02:42:23-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 01/09/2016

  A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… Today’s sermon was Hebrews 10:24 in action. Let us consider one another, how we may urge one another on toward love and Righteous Works. Praise Yahweh for the teaching we receive from Yahweh’s House. Sons of Yisrayl Abel Odahyah and Deacon Shalomo gave [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 01/09/20162016-01-15T23:46:37-05:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 01/02/2016

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… Amidst the chaos, pain, and suffering throughout the world, Isayah 54:13 sheds much needed light and encouragement… All your children will be taught by Yahweh; and great will be the peace of your children. Let us teach our children in the ways of Peace, [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 01/02/20162017-05-31T02:42:33-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 12/19/2015

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… II Kepha 3:17 You therefore, beloved, since you know these things beforehand, beware that none of you fall from your own steadfastness… Deacon Yisrayl David told us to Feed and Build the Character of Yahweh within Ourselves. Citing a 12/21/1996 sermon called “Food of [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 12/19/20152017-05-31T02:42:40-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 12/12/2015

  A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… … So run your race that you may lay hold of the prize and make it yours. And everyone who competes conducts himself temperately in all things. Now they compete to obtain a perishable crown; but we for an imperishable crown. (I Corinthians [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 12/12/20152017-05-31T02:42:43-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 12/05/2015

  A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… A thousand will fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not come near you. (Psalm 91:7) With American gun violence expenditures exploding, booming at the sound of $229 billion dollars (nor including gun sales), Yisrayl Hawkins [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 12/05/20152016-01-15T23:56:20-05:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 11/28/2015

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… Yahweh says, through His Servant, the Great Prophet Yeremyah (Jeremiah), “Woe to the pastors who destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture!” (Yeremyah 23:1) On this day, we heard from our very own Last Days’ Pastor, Yisrayl Hawkins, who works tirelessly to restore [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 11/28/20152017-05-31T02:42:49-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 11/14/2015

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… Do not allow anything (including social media and the use of smart phones) to distract us from enjoying the fruit of instruction and the Work of Yahweh, only available at The House of Yahweh today. Today’s services began with young Son of Yisrayl Abel, [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 11/14/20152017-05-31T02:43:02-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 11/07/2015

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… And because iniquity; the breaking of Yahweh’s Law, will abound, the love of the many will grow cold. (Mattithyah 24:12) On this day, we heard from several speakers, including Yisrayl Hawkins, who supported Yahshua’s Words by reading and discussing current news events attesting to [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 11/07/20152016-01-15T23:59:51-05:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 10/17/2015

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… Surely righteousness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives; and we will dwell in The House of Yahweh forever! (Psalm 23:6) Note: the original writings did not say the house of the lord. Sons of Yisrayl Abel, Yedidiyah, and Deacon [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 10/17/20152017-05-31T02:43:11-04:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 10/10/2015

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask it from Yahweh, Who gives to all liberally, and does not revile; and it will be given to him (Yaaqob 1:5). Yisrayl Hawkins helps us to understand this verse. Yahweh will bless those who repent [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 10/10/20152015-11-05T05:49:57-05:00

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 10/31/2015

A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh… The year 1934 expressed in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance is word #1934 from #1933 and #1961, which mean to breathe, to live in the sense of existing. The birth of the Last Days’ Witness, Yisrayl Hawkins, born Buffalo Bill Hawkins, as prophesied by the Prophet [...]

The House of Yahweh Sabbath Review – 10/31/20152017-05-31T02:43:15-04:00
