A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask it from Yahweh, Who gives to all liberally, and does not revile; and it will be given to him (Yaaqob 1:5). Yisrayl Hawkins helps us to understand this verse. Yahweh will bless those who repent of sin and convert to keeping Yahweh’s Laws – to them wisdom will be given.
Two Sons of Yisrayl Abel, Yoshiyah, and Deacon Abba Shalom, provided teachings on the following:
1) The Peaceful Solution Character Education Program, Responsibility Unit teaches how to manage our time. Step-by-step time management techniques along with Yisrayl Hawkins teaching us to use our time wisely, and to do as Yahshua Messiah stated – Seek you first the Kingdom of Yahweh. To do so in these Last Days we have books, booklets, taped sermons, etc.
2) Idaho’s Ruby Ridge and Texas’ Waco incidents capture the ongoing history of the hatred and persecution directed at anyone who worships Yahweh and attempts to keep Yahweh’s Laws.
The Great Kohan Yliyah presented recent news events to include historic flooding in the Carolinas, sinking landmasses in California with increasing flood risks amidst ongoing drought conditions. Flint Michigan has led in drinking water, Syria and now Iraq asking Russia to intervene to remove ISIL from their lands. Palestinian and Israeli conflict spilling into streets, Saudi Arabia continues to bomb Yemen and still more and more school shootings in the US. President Obama spoke saying that society is suffering from sickness of the mind.
The Greatest Teacher in the world, Yisrayl Hawkins began with an explanation on the meaning of the word Oklahoma to mean – reddish complexion/hair and life. On that “life” note, we see prophecies that add up to the Last Days’ work to bring salvation and life to the peoples.
On this day, Yisrayl did a review of Zecharyah’s prophecies in chapters 6, 8, and 9. The daughters of Zion and Yerusalem reveal those who keep all of Yahweh’s Laws and teach peace.
In keeping with teaching peace and bringing forth salvation, the Yisrayl Hawkins Says Program helps everyone to be able to fulfill Obama’s request for people to study their bibles. It is a one-of-a-kind software program that is free and of benefit to all.
The rise of Rome was not mythological as many propose but rather a settlement of priests, namely the Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and Herodians that fulfilled Daniyl’s prophecies of a fourth beast to become the most successful empire. Yisrayl read from an article, which described its origins as first, an insignificant pastoral settlement to becoming a world organizer with ability to sway nations, and rule supreme as lawgiver (prophesied in Genesis 49).
http://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/world/rome-city-italy.html (to deep link above article)
Reading excerpts from the following article, https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2015/10/08/house-majority-leader-kevin-mccarthy-drops-out-of-race-for-house-speaker/ Yisrayl Hawkins explains the meaning of the word infamously and describes a system that the Prophet Daniyl described and later detailed in Yahshua’s words as “a house divided cannot stand.”
We conclude with a few facts that detail and fulfill Yahshua’s prophecy from Mattithyah 24. In 2015, in the first 274 days, there have been 294 mass shootings (the majority of incidents are left unreported nationally and internationally). Also, to date there have been over 39,000 gun related incidents. On the disease front – 39 million have died of HIV/AIDS and currently 37 million live with the disease.