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Yahweh’s prophecies
have always been 100% accurate. Now world
leaders are seeing and saying, “get ready”. You
need to get ready now. Water, electricity, gas
and even
networks will be shut
down. The problem is,
there is no way to get a place ready to shield you
from the nuclear burning that prophecy shows will
become a reality in this 3½ prophesied years that just
started on 6/7/2019.
Read MoreThe Most Accurate Translation Available.Most bible translations today are spin offs the KJV – not so with The Book of Yahweh, The Holy Scriptures. Now in its tenth edition, The Book of Yahweh is a restored work that provides the reader with the rightful Names of Yahweh and His Son Yahshua, it also corrects well known and not so well known transliteration errors that take away Yahweh’s Great Plan for mankind. Well supported with footnotes, side references, commentaries and complete bibliography, The Book of Yahweh is a must have for avid bible readers, collectors and all people who long for a better understanding of life, creation, and our Creator, Yahweh. Read more
The one thing that is
driving up the anger
among all nations, and
I do mean all nations,
is the unfair laws that
give strong nations advantage over weak
or poorer nations and
individuals.Those laws
put stress on the
nations, their cities,
and their people. They cause individuals and families
to suffer, while the politicians and religions, especially
the most demanding religion—the Vatican…
We are in the Thirteenth Moon: Two Witnesses
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THE HOUSE OF YAHWEH JOYFULLY PRESENTS Yahweh’s New Calendar just as Yahweh always intended. Read about and DOWNLOAD YAHWEH’s CALENDAR.
We have the perfect way for you to keep up with the latest teachings from Yahweh’s Great House! Now you can listen to the previous week’s sermon so you can remember and understand what Yahweh’s Witness has been teaching us! You can also listen to our HOY INTERNET RADIO STATION – Click HERE to listen and learn.…
Prophecies You Will Soon See, Then You Will Believe .
Where’s The Nuclear Baby?…
My Dear Friends,
I urge you to study this newsletter closely. Study it until you understand these Prophecies and the fact that they were fulfilled. See how Yahweh held back the nuclear baby and the fact that it will be turned loose soon.
The news you will see in this letter did not take place until after our book Birth Of The Nuclear Baby was published. This news proves, without a doubt, that these Prophecies are true and correctly reported. Click HERE TO READ IT NOW!
The Real Cause For Global Warming And Deterioration Of The Ozone, So-Called
Prophecy shows the real cause of its deterioration. You need to study the complete Message to understand why Yahweh gave us Laws that would have prevented what we are now seeing in today’s world news. Click HERE to find the truth…