A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
The nuclear wars have been loosed, prophetically, and if Yahweh does not hold them back, we could see it begin as early as next Sabbath.
Sons of Yisrayl Abel, Barzillai and D. Yisrayl Abil spoke on trusting in Yahweh and not leaning upon our own understanding.
The Great Kohan Yliyah presented the news as well as a breakdown on what the Jewish Gematria reveals on three House of Yahweh websites (mtjtuuj6kc-staging.wpdns.site, yisraylhawkins.com, and yahwehsbranch.com)
Our Great Teacher, Yisrayl read and discussed several recent news articles in relation to increasing aggression between the nations with talk moving toward nuclear war.
The following are but a few of the articles he presented:
• Indian Aggression Could Lead to Nuclear War, http://dailytimes.com.pk/pakistan/30-Sep-16/indian-aggression-may-lead-to-nuclear-war-barjees-tahir
• Russians Prepare for Nuclear Option, http://www.maceandcrown.com/2016/11/28/russians-prepare-nuclear-option/
• Prepping for all-out space wars, http://www.prisonplanet.com/russia-usa-and-china-are-prepping-for-all-out-space-war.html
Yisrayl corrects a common Christian misconception – the Israelites (the sons or seed of Abraham) came out of Egypt following Mosheh, learning the Laws of Yahweh, which turned out to be problematic, until Yahweh sent His Son to “do away with the Laws”.
• The truth is far different – they came out living by and teaching the Coptic religion that they would not repent of following. Only a relatively small number of people actually kept the Laws of Yahweh as taught by Mosheh. Most of them wanted to keep their Egyptian Coptic teachings, which we recognize during the Prophet Samuyl’s time.
Yisrayl also explained the four horns of the altar, which will eventually be removed by Yahweh. This altar represents the killing power of the Quartet that began after 9/11 to “bring peace” to the nations. Prophecy shows that their efforts will lead to nuclear devastation in two parts:
1) A third of the people over a fourth part of the earth
2) The retaliatory wars by those who remain alive, still not repenting of their evil actions (by not learning and obeying the Laws of Yahweh, by not heeding the warning coming forth from the Last Days’ Witness and Yahweh’s House)
Moreover, Yahweh will put His Laws in the minds and hearts of His People. How does He do this?
• We see the results of sin now – the technology makes it possible to see it live.
• We see that Yahweh’s Laws are Perfect with no retaliation, stealing, etc., and we recognize this fact because as we learn Yahweh’s Laws, as we live by Yahweh’s Laws, they become a part of us. They are indeed, written in our hearts and minds – forever!
In Conclusion: Pastor encourages us to seek first the Kingdom of Yahweh, determine in our minds to turn from all sin, and put forth our efforts to usher in the Great Kingdom of Yahweh.