A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Though a just man may fall seven times, he will stand up again; but the wicked fall only once, into destruction. (Proverbs 24:16) Therefore, we must strive for humility in order to repent of our errors.
Men’s Presentation
Sons of Yisrayl Abel spoke on obedience, the job of Yahweh’s teachers, steps of repentance, and gossiping,
A Few Highlights:
From the beginning Yahweh set for mankind the ability to choose between right and wrong
Yahweh promises us that if we obey our authorities, at all times, we will be blessed to live a long, healthy life on this earth
Repent is to turn from sin; apply Yahweh’s Laws with dedication toward correcting our lives
We must zealously teach people to repent
How do we have our sins forgiven? Follow instructions from Yahweh’s Priests
In Yahweh’s House there are many social activities available and we must conduct ourselves in Righteousness
Gossip can be Righteous or wicked (positive words or negative)
Scriptures: Proverbs 22:6; Genesis 2:16-17; Acts 3:19; Mattithyah 3:1-2, 4, 11:20-21, 25:1-12; Luke 13; Psalm 19:7, 32:1; Yaaqob 5:19-20; Deuteronomy 17:9-11; Yeremyah 11:21 44:16-19; Revelation 21:7; Isayah 57:19; Proverbs 6:16-19, 10:18-23; I Timayah 5:13; Luke 13:3; Leviticus 19:16,
The Great Kohan Nathanyah spoke on the importance of repentance because it is the first step to conversion. The word “repent” can be substituted with the word “learns” because repentance/conversion directs our walk before Yahweh. The Kohan explained the difference between two covenants – one of bondage, one of liberty. Although we may make mistakes, we must not practice breaking Yahweh’s Laws, but rather convert by keeping Yahweh’s Laws.
Scriptures: Mattithyah 3:9-11; Galatians 4:21-23; Romans 4:20-22, 5:1
The Great Kohan Kepha R. spoke on building Yahweh’s House with humility. We must come into unity with Yahweh. Our minds may have misconceptions and Yahweh’s Priests expose and correct these misconceptions. The Word of Yahweh demolishes arguments; our mindset must be toward becoming the living stones that Yahshua said. The training ground is in His House but we must do our part and put effort into overcoming.
Scriptures: II Corinthians 7:8-10, 10:4-5, 18; II Timayah 2:15; Genesis 3:10; Luke 7:37-50; Proverbs 24:16; Nehemyah 8:10
The Great Kohan Levi J. spoke on true grit – part two, which reflects what it takes to remain in Yahweh’s House; it takes courage to remain. We must have zeal and persistence to endure over long periods despite experiencing adversity. Patience is key when dealing with challenges and setbacks. Prophecy should be what keeps us motivated; they provide our forward momentum. Furthermore, we struggle with emotions, how we feel, how we respond to one another and these may cause emotional conflict among ourselves. Iyyob is great example. Iyyob persevered through it all – if he had not, the Book of Iyyob would have only two chapters showing that he – a Righteous man – suffered and quit. However, Iyyob did not quit the Work, there are forty-two chapters that attest to this fact; his example serves as a great example for us.
Scriptures: Hebrews 10:21-23, 32-38, 11:25-27; Yaaqob 5:7-11
The Great Kohan Yliyah spoke about Yisrayl as Yahweh’s Servant – The Branch and the number 1934 and other significant numbers along with definitions showing Yisrayl’s early life and his connection with Yahshua. We must cleave to Yisrayl and this Work.
The Great Kohan David spoke about our High Priest Yahshua and the prophetic events surrounding Yahshua.
The title of today’s sermon is Yahweh Remember Us, The Called Out Ones of The House of Yahweh. The Kohan tells us that we will be judged by the facts, not the nonsense. Yahweh does not change; everything is according to Yahweh’s Plan. Tithing shows where our hearts are and is a great step to returning to Yahweh’s House for those who have strayed or struggling. We remember Yahweh by keeping His Laws and Yahweh remembers us as His People – those who qualify for His Kingdom. Judgment begins at The House of Yahweh and those who serve Yahweh do so with endurance, much work, trials, and difficulties.
Scriptures: Mattithyah 24:29-31, Iyyob 14:12-15, Malakyah 3:1-6, 11-18, 4:1-6, Exodus 31:13, I Kepha 4:17-19, Revelation 1:7, 12-18, Deuteronomy 30:19 – therefore choose life so you and your children may live.
Conclusion: In spite of difficulties, trials, conflicts, etc. we know one thing without doubt – the prophecies are sure and Yahweh’s Plan will succeed. Therefore, let us be motivated by endurance and determine not to give cause/offense to others for one fact remains – time alone does not heal wounds. Yahweh does not accept our offerings if our brothers and sisters are offended by our words/actions. Do as Yahshua taught in Mattithyah 5:23-24 and go to your brother or sister and be reconciled, then make your offering to Yahweh.
Note: Attentively listening to these sermons again can benefit The Called Out Ones of The House of Yahweh.