A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
And you must love Yahweh your Father with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. (Deuteronomy 6:5)
Sons of Yisrayl Abel spoke on the following topics: The House of Yahweh is the Protected Place, and Importance of Studying and Paying Attention
Highlights from their speeches…
Hebrew word #1004 means family, showing we are Yahweh’s Sons and Daughters
The world has no protection from Satan, only protected place on earth is The House of Yahweh
So much knowledge in Book of Yahweh it would be impossible to learn it all before Yahshua returns
The Laws that are taught to us are life for us; we ought to pay attention to the teachings
Seeking the glory of Yahweh’s Work is a Righteous goal
A Few Supporting verses…
Deuteronomy 12:5, Psalm 91:7-9, II Timothy 2:15, Yahchanan 6:63, 7:7, 8:3,34-35; Genesis 3:5, Mattithyah 6:33
The Great Kohan David spoke on Yahshua’s Parable from the Book of Revelation on the Lake of Fire.
The Seventh Era of The House of Yahweh is alive today; Yahshua is Judge of the living and the dead
Cain, as example, shows that he had opportunity to convert, but he taught God worship to his people
Each of us have same challenge – the challenge to overcome sin and God worship
Each of us has an “entry” in the Book of Life; we are judged according to The Book of Yahweh
Scriptural References: Revelation 1:18, 2:11, 17:15, 20:12-15, 21:7-8, 27; Yeremyah 23:29, I Thessalonians 4:13-17, Acts 10:40-43, Genesis 4:3, Hebrews 9:27-28, 11:4; Mattithyah 23:35, 25:31-34; Malakyah 3:16, Yahchanan 5:24-29, Isayah 29:4-6, Iyyob 24:19-20, II Timothy 4:1, Psalm 38:3-5, I Kepha 4:1-5
The Great Kohan Yliyah presented the news…
Over past 20 years opium production in Afghanistan has increased alongside opioid epidemic increase over same 20 years
Sexual assault charges increasing; a young woman spoke up about lack of modest dress and was overwhelmingly criticized for her honest opinion
Turkey’s president listed as NATO enemy; US Ambassador slammed Russia in alleged Syrian attack
Iraq/Iran earthquake; Israel/Saudi Arabia allied against Iran
US at $700 billion for war
South Korea division among citizens
Our Great Teacher, Yisrayl Hawkins began with dates for next Passover and Yahshua’s Memorial. Work is underway to correct calendar and point out difference between Yahweh’s Way and Roman calendar.
Satan’s hope is to destroy heaven and earth; she has been trying for 6,000 years but has not been successful
Only place that follows the Laws of Yahweh is The House of Yahweh
Nations are being lined up to bring forth depopulation plans of Vatican
World scientists meet on global warming saying depopulation only answer; http://www.nnettle.com/news/3182-vatican-depopulation-is-the-only-solution-to-climate-change-crisis-
Yahweh brought forth every Prophecy; Yahshua is an example
Isayah 14:12-32
Shows many topics – Satan disqualified herself, man’s weaponry to destroy mankind, and removing Yahweh’s Laws weaken the nations
Worldly entertainment does not replace the strength available through classes, sermons, House of Yahweh literature; worldly entertainment only weakens
Satan’s heart’s desire is to take away Yahweh’s Strength from the people by making herself into a God
Genesis 3:5 Satan attempts to make mankind strive to become like Gods (evil)
God worship being taught in schools, churches, etc
We can be cut off from Babylon, confusion, and God worship if we allow Yahweh to help us escape the system via obedience to Yahweh’s House and Instruction
Relying on the Prophecies is our hope; the Strength of Yahweh is through His Laws and receiving instruction in these Laws
Mattithyah 5:17-19
The Law and the Prophets – the Strength of Yahweh – established by Yahshua
Satan attempts to destroy heaven and earth in order to destroy Yahweh’s Laws; these Laws will never be destroyed
Satan is maneuvering nations toward destructive war, via Vatican, to bring first Lake of Fire
Conclusion: For 6,000 years, Yahweh has prevented Satan from accomplishing her goal of destroying the heavens and the earth. Yahweh’s people know that every Prophecy will be fulfilled; we look to Yahweh’s Kingdom. Therefore, we determine to purge all sin from our lives. As Yahshua is our example, we serve one another in Yahweh’s Great House.