A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Seek you first the Kingdom of Yahweh and His Righteousness. Praise Yahweh, today we can do this through Yahweh’s House – The House of Yahweh!
Sons of Yisrayl Abel spoke on the Importance of Obedience and the Plan of Yahweh to create mankind in His Image according to His Prophecies.
The Great Deacon Yahseph M. spoke on the results of a mathematical study by Peter Stoner on several Prophecies about Yahshua Messiah. Furthermore, with the Prophecies of Yisrayl we readily see that there is no doubt that Yahshua and Yisrayl fulfill Yahweh’s Prophecies.
The Great Kohan Yliyah presented the news:
The unclean state of beaches – used heroine needles, excrement
Nuclear threat from North Korea with potential backlash
Guam threatened by North Korea and US, China responses
Collateral repercussions from conventional or nuclear exchange upon Korean Peninsula
The Great Kohan Yisrayl Hawkins, the Last Days’ Witness began with rehearsal of Prophecies, which describe the devastation for a fourth part of the earth, a third of the people, in the region of the Euphrates River.
Some highlights from today’s sermon…
In these Last Days, Yahweh speaks to us through His Son
The House of Yahweh will turn nations around from worshipping Gods and engaging in warfare
Yahweh has power over the Gods, He can state what will occur in the future – the Gods cannot do this
Hebrews 3:16 on those who did not believe after they came out of Egypt
Those who sin have difficulty gathering for Sabbath Service
Those who reject Yisrayl, the One Sent, reject Yahweh
Coming out of Egypt means coming out of Godworship
We must focus on repentance, conversion, and be ready at all times – readying our hearts is of primary importance, Hebrews 4:1-11
We are the only people on earth who keep the Sabbath according to Yahweh’s Laws! Praise Yahweh!
Yahshua taught how to keep the Sabbath according to Yahweh’s Laws, the Pharisees did not do this
Hebrews 10:19-27 Knowing there remains the keeping of the Sabbath for the people of Yahweh, therefore, we ought not to seek the so-called “fun” of the world – running here and there, wasting time
There are works to do – we strive for a true heart and do not follow an evil conscience
We also must not waver in any way but hold fast to our original vows and learn to teach others the way of Righteousness
The one-hour burning…
This is a separate event from the fourth part of the earth/third of mankind destruction
The one-hour burning, as Malakyah shows, will mean the end of sin/sinners
Prior to this final hour, Prophecy shows that mankind (sinners) will not repent, choosing to serve, and be “evil” as the Gods – the very thing Yahweh warned Adam and Eve against in the beginning
Revelation 13…
Details are given in 1970s books of The Mark of the Beast
First beast – adds to Daniyl’s Prophecy as beast moves to Rome/worship all Gods, will remain in power until rulership is given to Yahshua to bring an end of all sin
In Conclusion: Behold the name of Yisrayl, the Branch, who will bring this Message throughout the world before the final one-hour burning. Therefore, we strive to repent, convert, and reverence Yahweh by our obedience to His Laws.