A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
The Gods know “nothing” while yet our Father Yahweh is in “full control.”
Sons of Yisrayl Abel spoke on the only place where the Truth is taught from Isayah 2:2 and Yahweh’s Protection for those who keep Yahweh’s Laws and remain in Yahweh’s House.
The Great Kohan Malakyah taught from Revelation 1:1-6, 10, 20 and made some of the following points on the seven congregations…
Smyrna – Yahshua was the One guiding this Work, and we see comparisons with first and last Work.
Pergamos – the second era
Thyatira – the third era
Ephesus – the fourth era
Sardis – the fifth era
Laodicea – verses 15-16; lukewarm commitment and not acceptable to Yahweh
Philadelphia – the first House of Yahweh (Smyrna) and Last House of Yahweh are in total Unity. They both bring forth the Laws of Yahweh and the love they have for their brethren.
Five of the seven eras of The House of Yahweh fell short. Today, the Last Era has been called to the same Message, and we must learn to serve one another and ask ourselves what could separate us from the love of this Message. Only rebellion can cut us off from the offices that Yahweh offers to us at this time.
(Scriptures: Galatians 5:13-15; Yahchanan 13:34-35, 14:2-3; Mattithyah 21:5-7; Genesis 49:10; Romans 8:35; Revelation 19:7; Proverbs 31:10-31)
The Great Kohan Yliyah presented the news to include:
Frustration in government at highest levels – example: great difficulty in reigning in opioid abuse
Misery in Yemen – cholera, many trying to flee their homeland
Iran, Venezuela, facing sanctions, and threats from USA
Russia states USA attempting to start trade war
As Germany and Russia prepare their citizens for war, the USA lags behind
The Great Kohan Yisrayl Hawkins began with details on the latest cookbook from The House of Yahweh and the benefits of kosher/clean foods. Next, Pastor quickly moved to Prophecies on the soon-coming nuclear war from the Book of Revelation and the protection from Yahweh for those who are obedient.
I Corinthians 15:51; Revelation 10:7; Mattithyah 24:33-34 — Pastor points out how the world has no solutions for its problems, while Yahweh has a Plan for the Last Generation with the voice of the Last Trumpeter as prophesied by His Servants the Prophets.
The #34 in Greek means a drove or herd (people or donkeys); from #71 means to lead, pass, bring forth. Therefore if we believe that Yahshua died and rose again, we will also be resurrected, being led by the Messenger – our Teacher Yisrayl.
The #34 in Hebrew refers to someone who is poor and may have lost the land of his inheritance. Pastor’s parents lost their land, and Yisrayl grew up under poor conditions.
Yisrayl covered a few articles, some of which include – two-state solution in Israel conflict, toxic chemicals can pass from pregnant women to fetuses via the umbilical cord, and radiation does not cure cancer but rather spreads it throughout the body. (Deuteronomy 5:9 shows the effects of sin upon the next generations)
Yisrayl taught on becoming Perfect; he covered many verses including the following…
Genesis 17:1 – Yahweh told Abraham to be perfect by walking in the Ways of Yahweh
II Samuyl 22:31-33 – Shows that Yahweh’s Way is Perfect
Mattithyah 5:48 – Yahweh is Perfect, and by practice of Yahweh’s Laws, we can become Perfect as well
Mattithyah 6:33 – Tells us to seek Yahweh’s Kingdom/House first
Revelation 22:14 – Right to the Tree of Life
Amosyah 3:7 – The Work of Yahweh prophesied by the Prophets
Deuteronomy 12:5 – Seek Yahweh’s House
Micahyah 4:1-3 – Yahweh’s established House in Abilene, Texas today
Hebrews 10:16, 21 – We have Yahshua, the High Priest; Yahweh’s House teaches love for Yahweh’s Laws
Hebrews 1:2 – Yahweh speaks to us through His Son, Yahshua
FYI: All known planets are named after Goddesses. The Earth’s name has unknown origins to those who do not respect the Holy Scriptures. Praise Yahweh, we love The Book of Yahweh!
In Conclusion: The daily reading of the Law comes forth from The House of Yahweh, which follows Yahshua’s example of teaching Yahweh’s Law, daily.