A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
It took 6,000 years for the world to bring sin to its peak with deception having devoured the whole earth by this time. However, in 2017, the Message is going out from the very Elect, and Prophecy shows they will not die.
Sons of Yisrayl Abel spoke on the Law, which states, “do not steal,” and how the Laws of Yahweh bring a person to Perfection in rebuttal to recent comments from Vatican. Furthermore, there is only one place to seek and attain to Salvation, which is The House of Yahweh; where the Priests teach Righteousness.
The Great Kohan Shimon spoke on the use of riddles and detailed steps to Salvation. What is sweeter than honey? What is stronger than a lion? Yahweh is King; Yahshua never placed Himself above Yahweh. Yisrayl is a perfect example of submission to authority as well – He does not place himself above Yahshua.
Scriptures the Kohan covered: Judges 14:3, 14; Psalms 19:8-10; II Samuyl 1:23; I Samuyl 12:12; Mattithyah 22:36-39; Philippians 2:5-6; Yechetzqyah 39:1-2; Acts 7:37
The Great Kohan Yahodah spoke on verses in Isayah 44:28, 45:1. He read the verses from the KJV; he provided the original, authoritative writings and gave the restored text. Furthermore, he explained political strategy of the time with its extension today in forms of Warsaw Pack, NATO, etc. Yisrayl is the Priest who teaches peace.
Mattithyah 21:43 “of the same habit”= House of Yahweh, Israyl, the people of Yahweh, the Kingdom of Yahweh. The words “bring forth” = at Abel in a foreign land.
The Great Kohan Yliyah presented the news:
Cholera outbreak in Yemen
Syrian refugees
Moscow stating its patience is growing thin
Russian sanctions extend to oil suppliers
Showdown on Temple Mount in Yerusalem
Hawaii preparing for possibility of nuclear attack
Our Great Teacher, Yisrayl Hawkins began with a review on current news articles to include some of the following: China and India feud over Dolkam Plateau, Crimea border conflict, cholera outbreak, North Korean threat, and US/Russian sanctions. If Yahweh would not intervene, even the Elect would not survive this mess.
A few highlights…
Yisrayl suggests we pray for guidance away from all forms of God worship and the time we waste when we could be studying for the Kingdom of Yahweh.
The tares continue to grow along with the wheat in The House of Yahweh, as Yahshua taught, and Pastor tells us to consider our actions and do what is necessary to keep away from the unconverted, and the unclean world.
We are to strive to find joy within the Work of Yahweh. Yisrayl is an example; states he is the most joyous person on earth.
Isayah 45:1-2 on anointed for Righteousness. That is Yisrayl and The House of Yahweh’s job with the objective of ending all forms of war.
All Christianity is Godworship; Genesis 10 shows the Nimrod system going to Egypt and developed from there, then spread throughout the world.
The earth is cursing mankind because sin was/is chosen over Righteousness.
Mosheh, Yahshua, were both taught by their parent(s) to honor the Laws of Yahweh – to esteem Yahweh’s Laws.
Today, we are taught Yahweh’s Laws but in a short time.
Yahweh spared certain people in order to bring forth Yahshua. This Last Days’ Work is with Yahshua, and mentioned as far back as Genesis 49.
Godworshippers choose to be evil like the Gods they worship/serve.
Isayah 45:2 and side note on #3474 meaning straight with added details to come in future sermons.
Daniyl 7 shows the kingdoms and governments under the whole heaven will be given to the Saints of Yahweh and a burning flame to the leviathan system of Godworship.
In Conclusion: The gates of hell will not prevail against the Elect. The eyes of the world are focused on The House of Yahweh in the Last Days. Therefore, we ought to build up Yahweh’s Great House, and support and encourage one another by our example and teachings of the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program.