A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Sons of Yisrayl Abel spoke on Yisrayl Hawkins, the Greatest Teacher in the World and When Times Get Tough Never Give Up.
The Great Deacon Yahdah K. spoke on The Prophecies for the Seventh Work is at Hand. The Deacon said, we must believe in the One Sent, Yisrayl Hawkins, and he continued his previous subject, bovine tuberculosis in white-tailed deer, by giving evidence via articles and pictures.
The Great Deacon Michayl Asaph spoke on Isayah 46:10 showing that Yahweh will fulfil His Plan through the Prophecies and foretelling of these Prophecies by Yisrayl Hawkins and the Priests in The House of Yahweh. Utilizing the Bible Codes, the Deacon detailed a matrix presentation on “42 Moons.”
Other supporting verses: Isayah 44:7; Revelation 10:5-6
The Great Kohan Benyamin C. spoke on Temple Brochure Gematria
Numbers today: 201, 559, 10074, 1074, 1206, 201, 2424, 48, 1948, 70, 8031, 8508, 113, 1341, 1982, 1308, 666, 2287, 828, 1367, 18180, 3030, 4848, 1948, 70, 2505, 2388, 398, 7, 5239, 4328, 4337, 4467, 6767
Verses today: Isayah 41:27, 44:28; Revelation 11:1; Yechetzqyah 40:2, 5
The Great Kohan Yahodah expounded on Genesis 10:1-10. Names listed in this chapter represent peoples, and/or nations. Using authoritative sources the Kohan gives the following meanings: liars, those who live soft lives, etc. and are part of worldwide religious system or the beast – those who are for war. The Kohan tells us to hold fast to the Message.
The Great Kohan Yliyah H. and the news…
Video of day care and children encouraged to fight; guards in prison system betting on inmate fights; child molestation is part of ritual and reason many incidents not reported
Petrodollar with no standard value and BRICS development; Yemen’s oil reserves
The Great Yisrayl Hawkins began with Yahshua’s Words saying the love for money is a root for all evil. Pastor tells us to remember that the US would remain strong until the end for making all nations like the first beast (Revelation 13).
Highlights from Pastor’s sermon…
Yahweh inspired all the material in The House of Yahweh beginning with The Mark of the Beast Volumes
Isayah 34:16 shows that Yahweh is responsible for The Book of Yahweh we have today
Revelation 17:14 shows the beast will come against the Lamb; Daniyl shows the Quartet (four)
By rejecting Yahweh’s Laws, sickness and disease began; the Seventh Messenger told us about the defilement of the heavens years ago, and now science supports the findings; Daniyl 8:22-23, 25 shows the Quartet with sin reaching its peak in the Last Days; Acts 3:14-15, 5:30-31
Pastor gives details about the Quartet’s involvement with peace process from articles, also called two-state solution or road map (UN, USA, Russian Federation, and EU) – all guided by the Vatican, the divining serpent; Revelation 13 shows a two-horned beast – Catholics and Protestants (US); Verse 11 this second beast speaks as the dragon led him to say and do (Revelation 12:9 dragon deceives whole world)
Conclusion: Study whenever you have the opportunity – pre-plan your studies and look forward to it.