A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Men’s Presentation
Highlights from today’s presentation…
There is value in small communities or tribes who accept each person as equal, especially while living under harsh or difficult conditions. The Deacon emphasized the importance of teamwork and stressed that military life may provide comradeship but the effects of war overwhelm the individual (PTSD cited as evidence)
Unity in The House of Yahweh is set apart from the rest of the world. House of Yahweh members experience Peace as they work together as Yahweh’s People
The umbrella figuratively represents protection from negative influences; we have the shadow of protection when we come away from the evils of the world; we cannot allow those who reject Yahweh and Yahweh’s Laws to affect us; obedience is key to obtaining Yahweh’s Protection; think of our Holy Garments as our character – we need to bring Righteous character to Yahweh Shammah; be kind/respectful to one another
Yisrayl Hawkins is the Branch and prophesied to build The House of Yahweh, and he works with our High Priest, Yahshua; together they will build Yahweh’s People to fulfill Yahweh’s Plan to give rulership to those of mankind who qualify through keeping the Laws of Yahweh
Remember reproofs of correction are the way to life everlasting, therefore, do not reject sound counsel, and overcome feelings of frustration, resentment, so forth; recognize and appreciate opportunity to overcome our own weakness and do not war against those who correct us
“Two wrongs don’t make a right” is a better moral teaching than “fight back” or “get even”; retaliation does not work
Teachers should be positive influence in order to build future leaders; learning to be teachers is the ultimate sacrifice – we are being trained for Yahweh’s Future Work; be patient with one another, especially people who are just learning the Way of Yahweh; everyone has the opportunity to work on their own Salvation
The Great Kohan David H. spoke on Prophecy for the last 3½ years and the showdown that Pastor has taught between Yahweh’s Kingdom and Satan’s Kingdom (which is ongoing in this world at this time) and Sistine Chapel facts with significance. The Kohan provides slides and expounds on Prophecy based on the teachings of Yisrayl Hawkins.
Scriptural References: Mattithyah 24:6-7; Yahchanan 4:19-21, 13:20, 35; Deuteronomy 28:24; Psalm 55:12-13, 91:1-2, 13; Romans 12:1-2, 9-13; Zecharyah 6:12-13; Isayah 11:2-5; Proverbs 11:12; Revelation 3:8, 11:1-2, 8-9, 11-12, 13:4, 17:1-4, 9-11, 15-18; Daniyl 9:26; Isayah 2:2-3; II Thessalonians 2:1-4; II Corinthians 10:3-5; I Thessalonians 5:1-3; II Kepha 3:10-13
Supporting video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yx6UgfQreYY (Ikea anti-bullying plant commercial)