The Feast of Passover and Unleavened Bread, 2016 brought a bright slice of springtime and a wealth of knowledge associated with the color emerald green – depicting growth, learning, and understanding, all with an attitude of servitude.
Seder evening was delightful as usual; however, Yahweh’s children brought a touch of change as they answered the timeless question that Yisrayl asks them year after year according to Scripture. It was a remarkable sight, as our children grew (in more ways than one) right before our eyes.
Seder night did indeed kick-start an awesome Feast. The following points are but a few of the many high points, lessons, directives, and quotes from our Great Teachers – Yisrayl, Kohans, Deacons, Judges, Kohanahs, Deaconesses, boys, and girls…
• The One-Day Peaceful Solution Event provided many informative speeches on the state of the environment. The Peaceful Solution Character Education Program can assist to turn things around. We also had the great opportunity to stroll through one-of-a-kind displays, which featured Yahweh’s Creation in all its glorious wonder.
• Yahshua is the Way to the Tree of Life – He guards it well. He also guards The Peaceful Solution and the wise will not attempt to change it in any way. Changing it means it will not succeed in our lives.
• “You are called to peace!” We must be at peace with one another.
• “We don’t have to search for what Yahweh’s will is for us. We know Yahweh’s will when we are obedient to Him.”
• Video demonstrates what occurs to our brains when having evil thoughts.
• Genesis 10 describes a great tower, meaning power taken forcefully and currently being used all is over the whole earth today. Only The House of Yahweh is the Light of the world – it is the finishing Work of Yahweh, proving that we can live without sin.
• “Now Learn the Parable of the Fig Tree,” and take the opportunity to revisit this teaching, using this power point format for quality family study. Every member of the family can practice teaching the Laws and the Prophets. K. David’s power point here
• RT Sophie Co interview on global effects of nuclear warhead exchange among the nations and the devastating probabilities of earth’s destruction within a one-hour time frame as Revelation 18:10 reveals.
• On Mattithyah 5:9 – the sons and daughters of Yahweh who learn to control their tongues will be the peacemakers.
• “We will see our children doing a work in the Kingdom!” We will know that we, as their parents, their teachers, and their examples, brought them forward.
• On Revelation 11:1 – the word reed means fountain pen, measuring rod, and pen of a ready writer. We know that Yisrayl Hawkins was prophesied to be given a pen, and certainly, Yisrayl has written more than the Prophets and Apostles collectively in these Last Days.
• Having Iyyob’s life as an example, we are assured that Yahweh will protect His Work and Workers. We can trust Yahweh’s Words.
• Mosheh warned Pharaoh. The Witness, Yisrayl, warns the world today. “Don’t partake of this evil.” Repent, convert, and then practice Yahweh’s Laws.
In Conclusion: May we continue to accept truth, knowledge, and understanding in order to grow in wisdom and earn the right to Life Everlasting in the Great Kingdom of Yahweh.