A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Sons of Yisrayl Abel spoke on the topic, Who is the Liar and Prophecies of the Nuclear Baby
The Great Deacon Yahdah K. spoke on the seriousness of Yahweh’s Laws, for they are vital to our health and Salvation. The Deacon continued on his previous topic by presenting pictures and details about tuberculosis.
The Great Deacon Michayl Asaph presented Buffalo Bill in Bible Codes. This matrix reveals Buffalo Bill, Okie, Yahaqob, Witnesses, radio as in wireless, 1934, authorized, Bayit Yahweh, 1982-83, named by Sonny
Verses: Isayah 45:4, Psalm 8:2
The Great Kohan Benyamin C. spoke on the finishing work
Numbers today: 1074 x 19, 1782, 322, 1967, 1976, 1818, 3479, 3482, 3481, 3478, 1882, 10748, 1881, 3444, 3479, 3478, 8000, 5850, 975, 976, 2424, 3648, 6031, 6030, 6067, 1206
Supporting verses: Revelation 10:7, 11; Isayah 49:6; Mattithyah 24:14; Psalm 12:6
The Great Kohan Yahodah spoke on I Corinthians 6:13. Using authoritative sources, the Kohan shows these verses reveal to be zealous, heart, mind, able to, mature, fornication, adultery, people, and inhabitants. Therefore, this verse shows Yahweh’s People are zealous for the Word of Yahweh; Yahweh is able to change their hearts; there is no fornication, adultery, etc. in The House of Yahweh. Revelation 10:8-11 shows these verses reveal Messenger, One Sent, speak to the heart, sea of people, world, receive words greedily, heart, hostile, bitter. Therefore, Yisrayl speaks to the world from The Book of Yahweh; some will reject it, while others will accept whole-heartedly. Additional verse: I Samuyl 2:22-25
The Great Kohan Yliyah H. presented the news…
CDC – life expectancy is shorter because of disease, suicide, opioid overdoses
Russia gas line to Turkey almost complete; France/Germany accuse Trump of being nationalist
Sea of Azov confrontations with potential conflict between UN and Russia
Yisrayl Hawkins, the Last Days Witness, began with a news article on tension building in Sea of Azov. Other articles: G20 meeting, additional US financial support to Israel, Pope urges generosity, Ukraine/Russia possible war. The House of Yahweh readies itself for peace, while the world readies for war.
A few highlights from today’s sermon…
Pastor encourages us to ask questions and not work through Scriptures on our own
Tithing is private – do not seek to be acknowledged in giving
Yahweh’s People, in this time belong to Yisrayl, Yahshua, and Yahweh
Do not set hope on money but rather seek Righteousness – remember we cannot serve Yahweh and riches; get food from Scripture to sustain our lives
Pastor reminds us of Yahshua’s Words about Yahweh’s House having many mansions
Within the Body of Believers, everyone has opportunities, and Pastor compares physical body, citing the liver as example; every part functions to help the liver do amazing work to sustain life.
Verses: Mattithyah 6:1, 22, 24
Conclusion: No one can be the slave of two owners. For either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be loyal to one and despise the other. You cannot be a servant to both Yahweh and riches.