A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
How wonderful is this place! This is none other than The House of Yahweh, and this is the gate; the entrance, the way, to the Kingdom of Yahweh. Genesis 28:17
Women/Girls Presentation
Encourage one another
- Yahshua lived a sinless life; He is our Righteous Example to show us we can live without sin and be accepted by Yahweh as His Sons and Daughters
- Yahweh uses The House of Yahweh to train us in His Laws, and we must focus on building up Yahweh’s Great House by our actions, words, etc.
- Remember we do not want to side with the Accuser and point the finger, but rather we want to build up our brethren and Yahweh’s House
- We were called from all over the world; we were drawn to Yahweh’s House by Yahweh through the teaching of Yisrayl, the Last Days’ Witness
- The Power of Yahweh is knowledge, which is knowledge of the Laws of Yahweh
- HOY provides us with plenty of material to help us to overcome and learn to become like Yahweh
- We must apply ourselves to the teaching and make the decision to turn from what is wrong and choose to do the right thing – turn from all sin
- Learn from The Book of Yahweh and the teachings of Yisrayl, so we do not have to “experience” the curses of sin
- June 2017 calendar entry – Measure the Temple with associated numbers and meanings from the Gematria
- Do not neglect our studies; partaking in study time will ensure our walk toward Eternal Life
Appreciate Yahweh
- Consider the wondrous Works of Yahweh; Do not doubt Yahweh – ever
- Yahweh’s Plan to have a Family is from the beginning
- Trust in Yahweh; He formed you in the womb
- There is no God, no other Father – only Yahweh
- Yahweh’s Plan is to set His Works into the hands of man, those who choose to be like Him in Righteousness
- Appreciate/accept the correction and teaching we receive by the One Sent, Yisrayl
In Conclusion: I Corinthians 15:56 the power over sin is the Law! Hebrews 4:12 the Word of Yahweh, the Laws and the Prophets, is living and powerful! I Corinthians 13:1-13 and Perfect Love! We love The House of Yahweh more than all else!!