A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Part 1: Daughters of Yahweh
- Last fruits will be first: explained using quotes, numbers, and Scripture
- World suffers because they do not accept Yahweh’s Laws – curses are upon the earth
- We witness end result of practicing ‘evil like the Gods’ and ‘the way of Cain’
- Sabbath Day: receive teaching about Yahweh’s Laws; Mark of Yahweh upon us
- We are qualifying if we seek it: numbers/explanations, Scripture, Pastor’s quotes
Part 2: The Men Teach
- “December 2022” detailed in Bible Code
- Their Folly Will Be Manifest to All, Part 4 in numbers with explanations
- Recent events presented in House of Yahweh news clip
Part 3: Our Teacher, Yisrayl
What We Learned Today
- Pastor explains different kinds of kerosene lamps: those for storms, those for reading
- Kingdom of Yahweh structured by purpose, everything has meaning, kerosene lamps cited as examples
- The 7 last plagues will indeed be last – there will not be any more following this time
- The Seven Hills of Rome – read Revelation 17
- Daniyl was told to seal the Prophecy, knowledge will be increased but in the Last Days (The End) Pastor explains how there is opportunity to repent at this time – however, the time is running out
- Practicing Yahweh’s Laws shows we belong to Yahweh; practicing adultery, as an example, proves belonging to Satan
- Yahweh has a Plan for mankind to bring Eternal Life through Righteousness – joy/love
- Breaking Laws brings harm to other people – everyone that Yahweh has called has a record, therefore deliberate sin will be listed upon that record
- Yahshua – prophesied to die for our sins but not for deliberate
dsin after repentance - The Catholic Church has world in bondage via sin – Isayah proves the church changed the Laws of Yahweh, and the church admits doing it
- Micahyah 4:1-3 shows there will be ‘war no
tmore’ due to the re-establishment of Yahweh’s House - News article: Pope Francis/wealthy leaders on how to reshape following Covid/global state of confusion to include the entire food system
- Six thousand years of sinful past history will end with nuclear burning
- Pastor states there is only 18½ months left – therefore it is time to prepare
- Genesis 4 – shows continual war, additional Scripture to study: I Yahchanan 3, Deuteronomy 30, Daniyl 7, 12