A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Part 1: Daughters of Yahweh
- Fourth of earth, third of people, Great River Euphrates, wars in numbers, quotes
- Be unselfish like Yahshua using definition/Scriptures/explanations
- Two Witnesses’ Prophecies: Revelation 11:3-6, Isayah 44:1-8, 43:28 and 1074
- Numbers/Scriptures associated with Feast/Gathering
- Revelation 7:9 Prophecy – livestream viewers from nations growing at this time
- Yisrayl Hawkins is a visionary – wisdom to plan for the future; quotes/numbers provided
Part 2: The Men Teach
- “The Sea is Dying” detailed in Bible Code
- Their Folly Will Be Manifest to All, Part 3, in numbers with explanations
- Recent events presented in House of Yahweh news clip
Part 3: Our Teacher, Yisrayl
What We Learned Today
- News: 2021 Abortion 16 million, 2021 suicides 403,597
- Wars, hatred, religion against religion, nation against nation – just as Yahshua said it would be like in Last Days
- We unite with Yahweh’s Perfect Law in The House of Yahweh; Pastor speaks to religions that do not teach Yahweh’s Laws citing ‘’do not steal’’ as example
- Pandemic will not end until after the two nuclear wars 1) over the fourth of the earth/third of the people 2) the one-hour burning
- Work on our own salvation as Scripture states; also be mindful of problems growing throughout the world – gas/water shortages, famine
- Micahyah 4 shows Last Days’ Prophecy of The House of Yahweh (written 710 BY); almost 3,000 years ago, Prophecy given of Last Days’ beastly system
- We are instructed to keep the food supply according to Yahweh’s Laws – the world has not done this; people eat unlawful food such as shrimp, and crabs (they are created to clean up the ocean floor); if people did not eat the ocean’s scavengers, the waters (Black Sea an example) would not have become defiled
- Adam was chosen to name the food supply – the clean/unclean
- After Cain murdered his brother, the earth became defiled to the point that the flood was needed to cleanse away the defilement; retaliation continues to force a repeat defilement to come upon the earth once again
- Wars will continue to grow until the nuclear wars strike – they will not last long with a very short time between the two wars
- Isayah chapters 43, 44, 45 – show the Two Witnesses
- Genesis 3:5 – describe the evil nature of the Gods
- Zecharyah 6:11-13 – Yahshua/House of Yahweh in Last Days; Melchizedek was a Righteous priest who blessed Abraham – this was done by Yisrayl/House of Yahweh
- Read Mattithyah 24 to see what is facing the world – we know that Yahweh will stop it before all-out destruction; there is still time to repent/convert/prove which side we want to be on – Yahweh’s Way of Life or Satan’s way of destruction
- Pastor encourages us to seek Yahweh’s Righteousness as our first priority