A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given… of the increase of His Government and Peace, there will be no end… (Isayah 9:6-7)
The Sons of Yisrayl Abel spoke on Do Not Turn Back to Egypt and Practice Makes Perfect
Supporting Scriptures: Deuteronomy 17:16; Numbers 15:39; I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-9; Proverbs 24:16; Revelation 22:14; I Timothy 6:11-12; Psalms 34:14, 37:23-24, 27; Mattithyah 6:33, 5:48
The Great Kohan Yahshua H. spoke on Setting Our Minds in Advance
Have the structure of Yahweh’s Laws in our lives; this requires lifestyle change and goal setting
Great example is weight control; know that this is required for health as well as our ability to serve Yahweh in the Work of Yahweh; don’t attempt to control diet in order to merely lose weight but rather to achieve health by making healthy choices
Compare to making wrong choices with entertainments of the world; lust of the world separates us from the community of Yahweh – less unity in the Work
The Parenting Manual instructs on proper diet, clean environment (worldly influences are not clean environments), education, example of moral character, adequate water intake, etc.
“It’s all in your head” has positive side – set your mind in advance; do not allow anything to lead us into negative decisions; we can makes changes to improve ourselves
We have a great environment in The House of Yahweh to help us make positive changes (Lawful changes); therefore seek Yahweh first
Scriptures: Genesis 39:1-10, Yaaqob 1:12-16, Genesis 4:7
The Great Kohan Mattithyah A. spoke on Stay Holy and Obey Instruction based on Positive Law #20 Build the Holy House of Yahweh (Exodus 25:8-9)
Article on uncleanness found in public bathrooms – Hepatitis A exposure, and the Kohan reminds us how easily the uncleanness can spread; we’ve been taught to avoid or use caution and certainly not eat foods prepared with unclean hands
First Book of Yisrayl 34:65-69 (reference quote); therefore do not fellowship with unbelievers; make preparations before going out – lye water, essential oils, own food and drink
Uncleanness is not an instant death but rather the beginning of the process – dying you will die
Humility and cleansing will bring about the healing process
Take instruction from House of Yahweh seriously, with all diligence
Scriptures: I Corinthians 6:14-16, 19-20; Exodus 23:20-22; Isayah 52:11; Chagyah 2:13-14
The Great Kohan Malakyah spoke on Remember Yahweh before the Silver Cord is Cut
Have the goal set before us by Yahweh, in our minds; otherwise, it is easy to drift from our goals and Yahweh’s purpose in our lives
Realize we were created, called to Yahweh’s House to assist Yisrayl Hawkins to usher in the Kingdom of Yahweh; Yahweh had us in His Plan from the beginning, and He serves us; therefore, we ought to serve one another
Yahweh tests us to know what is in our heart; this allows us to prove that we are fit for His Plan
Laws of Yahweh govern every problem; therefore, we must humble ourselves to Yahweh
Where would we be if Yahweh had not called us – we would be like sheep to the slaughter; Psalms 23 says Yahweh restores our lives, we have His Protection
Being redeemed is the action in exchange of payment; we were appointed to die only once
Do not neglect our calling
Scriptures: Psalms 139:15-17, 23-24; Ephesians 1:3-4; Zecharyah 4:12; Galatians 4:1, 4-5; Hebrews 9; I Corinthians 15:51; Isayah 43:4; Iyyob 23:10; I Kings 6:23, 28
The Great Kohan Levi J. spoke on Peace Can Only be Achieved Through Following the Example of our High Priest Yahshua
The forms of peace, underway today in the world, has nothing to do with Yahshua; it is a peace by force; the irony is that mankind does want peace, but they attempt to achieve it through warfare (results only in insecurity, casualties, etc.); any peace is only temporary as they arise again and again
Yahshua’s Peace is entirely different – He is of the lineage of David, but David’s example is not the one of Yahshua; Great Peace comes to those who love the Laws of Yahweh; this Peace is more than just absence of war, this Peace brings health and joy
Yahshua demonstrated the Way of Peace so that we can learn it and bring it to the world; a peacemaker is one who is actively making Peace; Peace restores Unity; a peacemaker labors for the public’s benefit; it is not a selfish endeavor, it is a service to others
Therefore, we ought to use our training in The House of Yahweh to build unity among ourselves with objective to teach others the way to Peace
True Peace involves turning the other cheek, pray for enemies, no retaliation; The House of Yahweh is established in the Last Days to bring an end to war
Scriptures: Yahchanan 14:27-30; Genesis 4:12; Revelation 6:2-4; Isayah 9:6-7; Mattithyah 5:9-12; Zecharyah 6:12-13
The Great Kohan David H. spoke on Two Altars with Four Horns, Part II
Bronze Altar – power of Quartet
Golden Altar – power of Yahweh’s Priesthood
Yahshua bound to Altar of Incense – Golden Altar
The Children of Israyl chose the power of the Quartet – they wanted a king (not Yahweh) to judge them
The four horns on sacrificial altar represent power of Quartet; horns #7161 figuratively means power; from 7160 meaning push or gore
The blood of bulls and goats cannot bring perfection; these types of offerings were only for a time in order to remember sin, until the time of Yahshua; Yahshua’s purpose is to do the Will of Yahweh
The Levitical Priesthood serves the Quartet; the Priesthood of Righteousness serves Yahweh
Revelation 5:12 lists reward of obedience
The horns on the altar of death will be cut off in our time period
The horns on the golden altar show the fruit of Yahweh’s Laws – Galatians 5:22-23
Slides provide details and scriptural references.
In Conclusion: Praise Yahweh for the teaching/instruction we receive from the Priests of The House of Yahweh.