A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Women’s Presentation
Get names of Gods out of our speech
Speaking their names, as Strong’s proves, gives them honor, and we may take on their characteristics
The 666 system – first day worship, worldly holidays, etc. – it is sneaky and very subtle
Part of our cleansing process is to get sin out of our lives, including speaking names of Gods; it is our time of fine tuning
Loving our neighbor as ourselves is a big part of becoming like Yahweh – kindness is a key part
Do not get discouraged in learning the new calendar – it will take time, and we have time for all eternity
Remember Yahweh’s House is the only place of peace and joy; consider how our actions affect others
(1) #325 – First Council of Nicaea and efforts against Yahweh’s Law (2) #1582 – Gregorian calendar bringing names of Gods to people (3) #1982 – House of Yahweh dedicated by Two Witnesses (4) #400 – 1982-1582 = 400 means “food” and Yahshua’s Words… man does not live by bread alone but by the every Word of Yahweh, and to do the Will of Yahweh
The results of sin are obvious, as we see in Yahshua’s Teaching from Mattithyah 24:7
The most contagious disease is hyperdulia (Mary worship) – symptoms include calling upon God names, keeping “holy” any day other than 7th Day Sabbath, eating pork, keeping holidays, etc.
Living in the past, holding on to grudges, etc. is a sickness – therefore, we need to focus on now and overcome all forms of sickness
Nuclear burning must take place to fulfill Prophecy; news events prove to the world that Yahweh’s Word is True
Nations are building arsenals and instructing the masses to prepare for war
Different calendars show they did not trust Yahweh saying Yahweh’s Way was impractical, but that does not describe our Father Yahweh in any way
Adding day of worship for Catholic’s Mary into Roman calendar, is example of Satan’s deceptive influence
With 7.6 billion people on earth, the only ones not deceived are those whom Yahweh has called out of the world
Scriptural References: Genesis 1:26; Exodus 12:2, 23:13; Deuteronomy 4:2, 7:8, 30:19, 33:1-2; II Samuyl 20:18; Ezrayah 5:2; Psalm 16:4, 82:1; Proverbs 13:9, 26:2, 31:26; Isayah 26:12, 59:1-2, 4, 60:1-5; Malakyah 4:2; Mattithyah 4:10, 22:37-39, 24:7; Romans 1:21-22; Hebrews 10:24; Galatians 5:17, 22-23; Colossians 3:12; II Kepha 1:7; Ephesians 4:32; Yahchanan 8:3-4, 7-8, 10-11; Revelation 12:9
Conclusion: Yahweh wants us to remember the Sabbath and Feast Days, and we know that Great Peace have they who love Yahweh’s Laws; nothing should drive us away from Him and His House.