A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Yahweh says, through His Servant, the Great Prophet Yeremyah (Jeremiah), “Woe to the pastors who destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture!” (Yeremyah 23:1)
On this day, we heard from our very own Last Days’ Pastor, Yisrayl Hawkins, who works tirelessly to restore The Truth to Yahweh’s sheep and bring them to the Protected Place – The Tree of Life – The House of Yahweh, re-established, according to prophecy, at the End of the Ages.
Yisrayl began his sermon today by stating that the news events we are seeing daily, fully supports what The Book of Yahweh prophesied for this time in man’s history.
While Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu claims that problems are not solvable without Israeli sovereignty, Yisrayl speaks up to disagree. Citing the prophets, who prophesied of a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, Pastor informs us of others who agree. To see Yisrayl’s recent open letter to the Israeli President, go to the following link http://yahwehsbranch.com/its-time-to-rebuild-the-temple-on-mount-zion/
The following are but a few of today’s highlights from Yisrayl’s sermon…
• Yahweh’s House is made of individual people and we are instructed to teach the Peaceful Solution to our children.
• Yahweh’s Laws are superior to man’s laws, which the Scriptures describe as filthy rags.
• Yahweh is proving to heaven and earth that without His Laws, man’s way of war will destroy all life.
• Yisrayl gave us a mini-history lesson beginning with Adam and Eve, who rejected Yahweh’s Laws. Therefore, Yahweh removed The Tree of Life. The history progresses through to the children of Israyl that came out of Egypt, the elders during Samuyl’s time, the persecuted days of the prophets, Yahshua and the Apostles’ lives, down to our present day.
• Pastor explains that we must qualify for right to The Tree of Life, which comes through obedience. He cautions us to reject gossip and recognize the teachings that come from the Vatican today – namely their encouragement to not teach and live by the morality standard in The Book of Yahweh. Only a moral lifestyle according to the Laws of Yahweh can guarantee protection and right to eternal life – The Tree of Life.
We conclude with Yisrayl’s exhortation to the nations. If they agree to being taught the Laws of Peace and call upon the Name of Yahweh then they could benefit from Yahweh’s protection.
… As surely as Yahweh lives Who brought up and led the seed of the house of Israyl out of the protected place, and from all countries where I had driven them; and they will dwell in their own land… (Yeremyah 23:8)