A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…

Yahchanan (John) 15:27 Peace I leave to you. My peace I give you. Not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Today we had a Women’s Presentation

As we realize the time that is near, let us allow the Peace of Yahweh to be with every one of us.

A few of today’s highlights…

• In Yisrayl Hawkins sermon from last week, he explained that Yahweh’s Peace with us eliminates all fears and worries; it calms us down.
• Let us not assassinate our brothers’ and sisters’ characters with our words and by our actions.
• Be ready, spiritually. We need more than food and water. Yahshua said that man does not live by bread alone. Therefore, it is important to study.
• Reading Colossians 3:12-13 and stressing on forgiveness, we ought to recognize an unforgiving attitude in ourselves and make every effort to overcome it. Otherwise, an ugly root of bitterness builds within us.
• On end times, we see that we are in the last pangs of labor. Yisrayl has taught us of the two kingdoms that run abreast of each other, and hypothetically speaking, we are in the 3rd trimester at this time.
• What is our strength? Malakyah 4:5 explains it is the Laws and Prophets. These are our foundation.
• Mini-studies:
1. The difference between a strong woman and a woman of strength
2. Suppression and Persecution of the Bible and the Word of Yahweh
• Iyyob was a Righteous servant. He was a humble man; he stood fast and suffered exceedingly but did not blame or curse Yahweh in any way.
• Behold the Man of Yahweh; his name is Yisrayl Hawkins. Yahweh inspires our Overseer. Yahweh holds Yisrayl’s right hand.
• Let us not ever forget that we knew nothing before we came to Yahweh’s House to learn at the feet of the Greatest Teacher in the World.
• If Yahweh worked with His Servants of old, can we not appreciate that Yahweh works with the Last Days’ Witness. Listen to and obey the Man of Yahweh, the man Yisrayl.

Conclusion: Yahweh has plans for each of us that include plans for peace. Do not leave Yahweh’s House and strive to stand in our place. “Do not be afraid/do not fear” is recorded 365 times in The Book of Yahweh. Consider that Yahweh is true to His Word.