A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
With our eyes, we see news headlines confirming the prophecies of Yahweh.
Sons of Yisrayl Abel spoke on “Deception” and “Law #73 – Confession/Repentance/Conversion”
Scriptures show us how to spot deception – we know deceivers by their actions
If someone tells us something contrary to Yahweh’s Laws, that is deception
Repentance begins with the spirit of calling to Yahweh’s House
Four steps to conversion 1)repentance 2)confession 3)baptism 4)converting
Genesis 3:1-7, 11-13,16-19; Deuteronomy 28:15; Mattithyah 7:15; Isayah 8:20; I Yahchanan 3:7-9; Acts 3:19; Numbers 5:6-7; Hebrews 8:10, 9:11-14, 24-26, 10:17; Luke 13:3, 5; Romans 14:11; Yahdah 14-15; Acts 2:38
The Great Kohan Benyamin C. spoke on the Babylonish System
Numbers today: 894, 2218, 1950, 2000, 2928
Scriptures today: Genesis 10:8; I Timothy 5:24-25; Yeremyah 23:33-34; Mattithyah 23:2-4, 23; Galatians 5:1; Habakkuk 1:1, 4; Yechetzqyah 22:23-28; Amosyah 3:9-10
The Great Kohan Yahodah explained I Corinthians 11:14-16 long hair means to “take away the head covering” or disrespect to the Priests, Yahshua, and Yahweh. The word nature is “applied to Yahweh,” and for the woman there is no difference – her head covering, her holy garment (not her hair) shows respect for the Priests, Yahshua, and Yahweh.
Additional verses: Leviticus 10:6, Ephesians 4:12-13, Isayah 34:16
The Great Kohan Yliyah H. spoke on numbers, meanings, and verses, to help us recognize that we must adhere to Yisrayl, who works with Yahshua, and then he presented the news…
Germany threatens Turkey on financial front
Russia vetoes investigations on alleged Syria chemical attacks by Assad
The petrodollar threatened by Russia, China, Iran, and possibly Saudi Arabia
Three aircraft carriers enter the Western Pacific
Roman Coliseum documentary
The Last Days’ Witness, Yisrayl Hawkins, began with specs for new calendar to include the Seven Works of Yahweh: Abel, Melchizedek, Abraham, Mosheh, Yaaqob, and Yisrayl with the middle Work – Yahshua. The first month of the year will be Passover! (Effectively opposing the Roman calendar – Praise Yahweh!)
In addition…
Pastor exhorts us to purge sin from our lives, as the days seem to race toward war
Rebellion to Yahweh began with Yahweh’s Name removed from the people
Pentagon on 10/25/2017 recommends requiring women to register for the draft and US driver’s license has commitment for service to country
In nuclear world today, the Vatican continues to deceive mankind in order to cut them off from Yahweh
Continual war (which continues to build) was prophesied as far back as Genesis the 4th chapter
A curse causeless does not come – the problems we see today have reasons
Those who do not repent and convert to Yahweh belong to Satan and they are servants to Satan and whatever she tells them to do – they do; hence, the build-up for war and confusion keeps nations from finding solution to the inevitable disaster
Mattithyah 6:13 – Pastor encourages us to overcome and come out of the world – sincerely work on it from now to Passover 2018
Follow Yahweh’s Laws and see the blessings of Yahweh soon to come
Sinners will destroy sinners – wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction
Yahweh’s blessings will not come through the Coptic Catholics, and Pastor details through the prophecies of Ishmayl and Isaac
In Conclusion: Few there are that find the straight and narrow way that leads to life (Mattithyah 7:14)