A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
How do we know the bible is true? Prophecies are coming to pass exactly as foretold.
Sons of Yisrayl Abel spoke on the following topics: Yahshua, Teacher of the Sabbath, and encouragement/hope for the days to come (the Kingdom of Yahweh)
Yahshua taught Laws of the Sabbath; belonging to Yahweh is according to keeping Yahweh’s Laws including the Sabbath
We must stop doing our work and do the Work of Yahweh on the Sabbath; prepare for Sabbath in advance to fulfill the Law
Yahshua, a Messenger of Yahweh; He declared Yahweh’s Will
Remember our ancestors and the trials they went through; they are examples for us, Iyyob a great example
We have a long job ahead of us; we must remain strong and learn from Righteous examples
Mattithyah 11:28-30, 12:8,12; Exodus 20:10, 12; Deuteronomy 6:25; I Yahchanan 3:10; Hebrews 4:8-9; Malakyah 2:6-7; Isayah 8:20; II Kepha 2:18-19; Iyyob 1:1-3, 6-22, 2:1-10, 42:7, 10-13
The Great Kohan Benyamin C. spoke on Babylon…
Today’s Numbers: 1950, 2000, 1949, 1993, 1967, 2928, 5366, 2218, 3912, 3913, 4812, 802,
Today’s Scriptures: Genesis 10:8; Genesis 49:4; Yahdah 12, 16; Isayah 59
The Great Kohan Yliyah H. presented the news…
Roman Coliseum reconstruction
Refugees in Jordan recreate everyday life over five years
Bill #62 passed in Quebec, Canada – Muslim women have to remove face coverings on buses, subways, or to borrow a library book
Afghanistan bloodshed continues; Somalia truck bombings; Myanmar ethnic cleansing or depopulation
Iran/USA tension increasing; North Korea threatens nuclear war
Yisrayl Hawkins began his sermon with “bread sack” quote – Hebrews 10:21, Yahshua is High Priest over The House of Yahweh; stats on latest articles and comments/questions from House of Yahweh social media venues
On this day, Pastor’s sermon focuses on a rebuttal toPope’s Oct 19 homily during Mass… (https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2017/10/19/pope-francis-pray-priests-never-use-law-shut-door-salvation)
Netanyahu shut down peace process after Rabin’s death; now efforts to begin peace process
Israeli war in 70 AY was to destroy all Sabbath keepers; Satan wanted to wipe them out with no memory of them
Confusion (Babylon) started with Cush and quickly spread to a fourth part of the earth; what we see in Genesis 10 has spread throughout the whole world
Circe (origin of word church) began with hog farm – pigs fed murdered people, then pigs fed back to the people; Vatican is divining serpent
Andrew Dugger went to Israel; began newspaper; Yisrayl and brother Yaaqob were acquainted with him
Teachers spread Babylon; Yahshua exposed the Pharisees, Sadducees, etc., who now live in Rome (7 Hills)
The KJV, permitted/authorized by Vatican, written to remove the Name of Yahweh and to remove “yah” from names of Yahweh’s people
In last generation, Yahweh sends His Messenger (Yisrayl) to reach all the world with Message of Yahweh, the way to Salvation, Eternal Life
Twelve tribes brought out of Egypt teach a different doctrine than what is found in Holy Scriptures; Yahdah rose up against Samuyl, as did the Pharisees, Sadducees, etc.; Yahshua and Yahchanan came out against them, teaching the message of repentance
All worldly holidays are in celebration of the Gods, Gods are evil; what religions teach is very different from what is written in the Holy Scriptures
Scriptures: Genesis 49; Yahchanan Mark 7:3-7; II Kepha 1:21, 2:21-22; I Samuyl 7, 8:4-8; Mattithyah 5:6, 13-16; I Yahchanan 3:4-10; Mattithyah 7:13-14; Revelation 22:12-27
In Conclusion: Man does not live (period) by bread alone but by the every Word of Yahweh does man live (eternally). Only The House of Yahweh brings forth the Message of Salvation.