A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
We are a group of people, who through tests and trials overcome carnality, choose Righteousness, and unify to teach nations to change hearts and minds.
Sons of Yisrayl Abel spoke on the following topics: The First Five Books in The Book of Yahweh and Let Yahshua Be Your Foundation, Build Your House upon the Rock.
The Great Kohan Qoheleth spoke on how to attain to the Priesthood.
Scriptures: Ecclesiastes 1:18, Mattithyah 26:36, Hebrews 2:10, 17-18, 10; Exodus 4:15-16, I Yahchanan 1:5
A few highlights…
Yahshua was deeply grieved over the actions of man; He constantly taught Righteousness
We need to be in unity with Yahweh, not wanting any to perish
Yahshua was able to help others because of suffering, and we follow His example
Yahshua is working with Yahweh’s House in these Last Days; Yahweh, Yahshua, and today, Yisrayl – the Light to the world
Our training is to become just like Yahweh, as Genesis 1:26 shows
Established pattern from the beginning – Message goes forth from the One Sent
The Great Kohan Benyamin C. spoke on the subject of Yisrayl as Light to the World
Scriptures: Genesis 49:11, Zecharyah 6:12, Mattithyah 23:37, Revelation 1:7
Numbers today: 3700, 2009, 6780, 2005, 431, 4910
The Great Kohan Yahodah spoke on Isayah 66:17, 16:1 with the following highlights…
Describing religious leaders of false religions; historically, the Roman church forced people to eat pork and did not stop until the 16th century
Today, swine is found in many products, and most are not aware; they are deceived into eating it
Psalm 91 states this will not come near us
Corrections on Isayah 16:1 shows people with protection from Yahweh, taught at The House of Yahweh
The Great Kohan Yliyah H. presented the news…
Data on Red Cross mismanagement
Bannon’s comments on Catholic churches
Catholic orphanage in UK; mass grave
Sweden laws on bestiality and current rape cases
UN more sanctions on North Korea; North Korea fires missile over Japan
The Great Last Days’ Witness, Yisrayl Hawkins began with an article on Iran and their claim to have mother of all bombs (RT). Some highlights from Pastor’s sermon…
Prophecies are 100% guaranteed; Feast of Trumpets celebrates Seventh Work of Yahweh in Last Days
Yahweh and Yahshua are anxious to promote Yahweh’s People; come to Yahweh’s House, be tested and tried for promotion
Yahweh dwells in those who keep Yahweh’s Laws; rebellion is following Satan and the evil Gods
The more loyal we are to the Scriptures, the higher the rank we achieve
The word “behold” in Zecharyah 6 shows Yisrayl as the Priest; the Law tells us to go to the Priest
We must be humbly submissive, not fight back in any way
Yahshua’s been training at the right hand of Yahweh for 2000 years; and when He is ready, He will come with the clouds – the clouds of war He will roll back, or even the Elect would perish
Ten Kings are working with Pope
They do not have knowledge/wisdom to bring Peace
All 12 tribes agreed on Yahshua’s death – they (that word means ‘nail to the cross’ ie: crucifix) murdered Yahshua
UN – World is at most dangerous point, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/sep/08/world-most-dangerous-generation-nato-chief-jens-stoltenberg
In Conclusion: The world will never teach war anymore.