A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Yahweh is the only One capable of “pulling all the strings” to bring His Work out in a Babylonish land at a set time in history, able to present the Message of Peace and Life to the world.
Sons of Yisrayl Abel Deacon Yoshiyah and Deacon Yisrayl Abyl gave refreshing sermons today. Their topics, Our Labor of Love and The Spirit of this World and The Spirit of Yahweh are Opposites, gave us much to reflect upon. The following are a few of the highlights…
• Yisrayl has encouraged us to get involved with the Work, and it begins by learning how to serve on Yahweh’s Sabbaths.
• Those who are fruitful in the Work rejoice in that Yahweh will not forget our labor of love.
• There is no salvation in the world, only The House of Yahweh presents the Message of Salvation.
• Strive to develop the Character of Yahweh, so we can make it into the Kingdom.
• To be part of the Family of Yahweh, we must come into unity with Yahweh’s Laws.
The Great Kohan Benyamin began with a “to do” list for our weekly preparation for the Sabbath. He stated that Yisrayl encourages us to read a chapter or two from The Mark of the Beast and to read an invitation to the Feast found on Yahwehsbranch.com. FYI, The Mark of the Beast is available on Yisrayl Says Program.
Several numbers were presented, which show the great lengths the adversary has undertaken in her attempts to destroy The House of Yahweh. The numbers, 8, 88, 96, 323, 355, and 546 were key to his presentation. Recent events in Norway tie in to dates and events occurring in New York City and Hollywood, and the Kohan gave Revelation 16:19 & 18:23 as reference verses.
Today’s news included North Dakota oil pipeline controversy on Native lands, child labor, and Oklahoma earthquakes resulting from hydraulic fracturing or fracking. In the Middle East, Iran has told Turkey to respect Syrian Sovereignty, and the US and Russia finally reach an agreement on the Syrian crisis.
Our Great Teacher, Yisrayl Hawkins, gave us a few details on his prep day schedule and takes a moment to remind us that Yahweh has called us to His House to be part of the Work, and our own prep day should not neglect duties and studies.
Yisrayl admonishes by saying there is no reason for sarcasm, and asserting oneself over others is equally not acceptable. We ought to love and respect our teachers – namely our parents in Yahweh, Counsellors, and Supervisors. “Just listen and obey, but of course not if they condone sin.”
Mattithyah 24 shows that we would see the greatest epidemics in this generation, and Pastor gives alarming facts on spike in newborns with syphilis. Rather than teaching against the sin, 4200 known religions have pushed freedom of choice upon society, and the negative results are staggering – hence babies born with syphilis is only one example.
Holding The Book of Yahweh for the precious knowledge that it is, Yisrayl relates that the Prophecies are alive – they will not fail. We can trust in Yahweh’s Prophecies and not fear.
We must not forget that Satan’s plan is to destroy The House of Yahweh, but Mattithyah 16:18 and the teachings of the Scriptures assure us that “the gates of hell will not prevail” over our Work at this time.
Revelation 11:1-4 speaks of the Work of the Two Witnesses (Two Houses of Yahweh). We are included with the last remaining Witness and the only House of Yahweh today. Yisrayl is Yahweh’s Witness, and we are Yisrayl’s witnesses.
Going over verses from Zecharyah 4, 5, & 6, Yisrayl expounded on the Prophet’s Writings as they apply today and he reassures us that we have nothing to fear.
In Conclusion, Pastor reminds us the nuclear war began exactly when Yahweh said it would and that He held it back in order for His House to continue reaching the nations. This was not possible only a few short years ago. However, today, the Message is reaching every nation, as there is internet access in every nation today.