A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Yahshua said it: Get away from Me, you who practice iniquity. (Mattithyah 7:23)
Sons of Yisrayl Abel spoke on “Grievous Wolves and What They Do” and “Recent, Significant Events” in the past week.
A few highlights from their speeches…
Grief, sorrow, and trouble, are what we see throughout the world today
Past efforts for world peace reviewed, including August 28th as a day of prayer for peace.
Scriptures: Daniyl 11:31, I Timothy 6:10, Mattithyah 6:33, Isayah 45, Revelation 10:11
Numbers from Gematria: 2280, 1518, 4151, 216, 215, 3272, with their respective meanings
The Great Kohan Kepha R. spoke on Patience Part II, The Trial of our Faith
Yahweh has done a great work for His people over the years, and we ought to Praise Yahweh for it
From Lamentations – the people forgot their future, and the Kohan stresses that Yahweh tells us our future before it occurs, and our requirement is to believe and not forget what Yahweh has in store for us.
I Kepha 1:6-8 our goal is clear in these verses
Suffering can be mental, physical, emotional, etc. and “being humiliated” can be devastating, but we must get over our own self-conscientiousness and not be offended
We must not lose our focus, Yahweh will bring all things to light
II Samuyl 16:5, 12 describes a leader in the Kingdom of Heaven and the humility required
We ought not to worry about being appreciated or not appreciated for Yahweh sees all
Isayah 40:28-29, 31 Yahweh does not become weary, and those who wait on Yahweh will see their strength renewed
The Great Kohan Benyamin C. spoke on the theme of “Salvation only available at The House of Yahweh.”
Gematria numbers and Scriptures from his sermon: 3448, 1961, 1933, 4176, 696, 832, 6291, 8321, 4911, 3343, 3444, 3467, Isayah 11:1, 49:6; Philippians 3:20, Amosyah page 696, Genesis 49:11, Yahchanan Mark 3:19
The Great Kohan Yliyah H. presented the news…
Results of abortion upon the unborn
Hurricane Harvey – wind, rain, and flooding in parts of Texas, Louisiana
North Korea missile launch over Japan
Carnage in Middle East
Famine in South Sudan, Somalia, Kenya, and Yemen
Our Great Teacher, Yisrayl Hawkins began with headlines on research supporting Yisrayl’s teachings on real cause of global warming.
Isayah 24:1-6 says what it will be like and previous news film provides proof; Psalm 91 states we will see it with our eyes
In Last Days the opportunity for Salvation would be back through Yahshua, the Chosen Branch, and donkeys tethered to the Work of bringing the Message to the world
Sin, once it takes root becomes a curse to all living – again the news film provides the evidence
People living shorter life spans than their parents, https://diablogue.org/2010/05/07/“today’s-generation-first-to-live-shorter-lives-than-their-parents”-berill/
We ought to rejoice that our names are written in heaven and we’ve been chosen to see the end of wars
144 countries listed as tuned in to HOY sites in past 30 days
To understand difference between reading and studying the Scriptures: Mattithyah 4:4, Hebrews 10:24-25, Ecclesiastes 5:1, Deuteronomy 12:5-8, 13:1-4, 17:9-11
Every word that Yahweh gives us in the Scriptures is of value for Salvation
In Conclusion: Prophecy shows that through Peace the beastly system will destroy many; therefore, we must strive to come out of the world and not partake of sin – separate ourselves from death.
I just want to serve yahweh in unity with all of you and looking forward to be part in his kingdom. So please, pray for me to open the door and successfully find the financial resource to make my way home(Abel), from Barranquilla, Colombia