A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Knowledge only comes from Yahweh. The Gods are useless and only cause problems throughout the earth and universe.
Son of Yisrayl Abel, Odahyah, spoke on the differences between sheep and goats. He gave us a list of characteristics and then asked us to choose the character traits we would choose to possess. A few of his supporting verses included Psalm 100:3, Luke 12:31-32.
The Great Kohan Nathanyah expounded on our foundation based on the Holy Scriptures and the examples before us – Yahshua, Yahweh’s Prophets, and the Apostles.
He further exhorted us not to accept the counterfeit – the opposing system to Yahweh’s Standard of Perfection.
He pointed to similarities to underscore the meaning of a counterfeit system. Today we see Satan striving to bring peace but without following Yahweh’s Laws. It may look real, hence the word ‘counterfeit’, but it is not.
He comforted us with a fact recorded in Mattithyah 24:21-22. The elect will not be deceived if we follow the very elect, our Teacher, Yisrayl.
Kohan Nathanyah gave us four examples to expose the counterfeits, but acknowledged there are many more.
1) Two Witnesses vs religious impostors
2) The Rainbow that has been twisted from its original reminder
3) Feast Days replaced by holidays, etc.
4) The Menorah representing the 7 promotions of Yahweh vs the seven hills of Rome
Genesis 2:9 describes both trees, or rather, two administrations, only one of which brings life.
Genesis 3:6 exposes the method used to deceive all mankind, citing the eating of pork as a prime example. Tests have proven that the consumption of pork spikes white blood cells to levels seen with Leukemia.
Therefore, confusion comes to mankind; dying is not an instantaneous thing, and this is how Satan manages to deceive the masses. Satan is described as subtle, and that is a proven fact as today’s news articles, presented by the Great Kohan Yliyah, reveal.
The Great Kohan Benyamin rehearsed portions of Yisrayl’s sermon from last Sabbath. Reading key verses from Revelation and Daniyl, he expounded on numbers, dates, and events that detail end-time Prophecies. He encouraged us to revisit a sermon given by Yisrayl on 5/23/09 about the Oslo Agreement.
Yisrayl Hawkins begins by stating that Prophecies are coming to pass, and only fools do not believe the Prophecies. Since Yahshua stressed the importance of Prophecies, we should endeavor to build up Yahweh’s Work and study in a line-upon-line fashion as brought forth only from Yahweh’s House – The House of Yahweh.
On the subject of believing the Prophecies, Yisrayl explained several verses in Yahchanan (14:29, 13:19-20, 1:1-5, 6:62-63). He told us that it is important that we believe, for we are on trial at this time to achieve Eternal Life and to receive the power to become sons and daughters.
Yisrayl also rehearsed some history on how, when, and why rebellion began, and he expounded on Yahweh’s Plan and the Light to guide those whom He calls at this time. Additional verses include Revelation 22:14-16, Genesis 1:26, Psalm 119:105, 130, and Yeremyah 23:1-3.
In Conclusion, II Yahchanan 1:5-6—
But now I plead with you, not as though I wrote any new Laws to you, but that which we had from the beginning: That we love one another—
And this is love: That we walk after His Laws. Those are the Laws, that, as you have heard from the beginning, you should walk in them.