A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Set our minds in advance, so that no matter what comes before us, we remain determined to keep Yahweh’s Laws.
Women’s Presentation
Proving Ourselves to Yahweh…
Now is our time – we are proving ourselves before Yahweh; what do we want written about us
Are our baptism vows sincere or lip service; can Yahweh trust us to take care of His Creation
Humility is an important quality Yahweh seeks to find in His People
If our desire is to make Yahweh and His Ways our treasure, then we will prove ourselves worthy
Focus on ourselves and determine what we need to do (with no excuses) to convert to Yahweh’s Way
What will our legacy be; those before us, including Yahshua, proved themselves faithful; we are called, chosen, and faithful – only Yahweh can draw us to His House, we are chosen to be part of Yahweh’s Priesthood; those before us, who proved themselves are waiting on us – our legacy is not giving up and we run race with endurance
Yahweh proves everything – we know He proved His Laws as Perfect, and He will prove us worthy if we overcome sin
Our King, Yahshua, will come quickly – we are waiting for our High Priest with Yisrayl to become part of Yahweh’s Great Family
First money were coins minted in Rome; before money was bartering; today we have complex trading systems; the Prophecy on not hurting oil and wine shows this generation; the wealth disparity; advanced technology; trade wars loom and prove to be another weapon of war; who suffers – the common people under higher prices, job loss under effects of recession
The Name of Yahweh’s Work rediscovered on 6/29/1973 – pottery found with House of Yahweh inscribed; that discovery led to naming Yahweh’s Work – The House of Yahweh; #3732, 220, 370 showing encircled, mountain, lifting, overcoming difficulties, accomplishing great things, power, to leaven – to cause to ferment to become pure – query, deserving, being of worth, comparable, worthy; 1973 shows form of art, far away, yonder (Mattithyah 6:33 – seek Yahweh’s House first); 415 shows Yahweh, Yisrayl, Yahshua; “this is our home” presents #1074; home #1004, 3624, a house, family, tent, booth, House or Tabernacle, household; home is where heart is; harmony, unity, homestead, rest
“Stop and Think” before we speak words to discourage, hurt, or humiliate others; rather speak words to encourage and build; pursue Peace
Laws, obedience, and strength; proving ourselves obedient to the Laws and going forth in power; we are obligated to prove ourselves to Yahweh; tests and trials prove whether we are fake or real; to show a result after a period of time – repeat tests prove we are loyal and true
Scriptures today: Hebrews 11: 1-3, 8; Yaaqob 2:23, 3:1-12; Yahshua 24-14-15; Isayah 26:8; Exodus 20:12; Revelation 6:5-6, 17:12-14; Genesis 1:1-2; Ecclesiastes 12:11; Psalm 110:3; Zephanyah 2:3
Conclusion– Prove to Yahweh that we are willing to build up The House of Yahweh; seek Yahweh, Yahweh’s Laws, Righteousness, and humility (Zephanyah 2:3)