A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Fools and slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have spoken (Luke 24:25).
Sons of Yisrayl Abel spoke on the following topics: “Why Nations are Preparing for War” and Numbers Support Pastor’s Donkey Vision
Nations have been trained for war by the religious system; the nations actually prepare themselves to resist the oppression of this same religious system
We must learn to teach Peace to the nations, so they will no longer learn war
Perfect and complete are two words associated with Pastor’s vision from 2011 – the donkey vision
Genesis 49:10-11 written in 1689 BY plus the year Yisrayl was born 1934 AY = 3623 years and the number 3623 means family and House of Yahweh
3623 also means bride, young wife and to complete, perfect, crown
The Great Kohan Kepha R. spoke on Patience. From the Character Unit of the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program, patience helps us to express ourselves appropriately – no name-calling, and this applies to all ages.
Yahweh shows great patience in bringing His Plan to completion
Patience is needed to be able to accept delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset
Patience is explained in Proverbs 19:11
I Corinthians 13:4-5 give characteristics of love and requires we put ourselves down when needed
We need the same humility we read about in Iyyob (Yahshub)
Patience is also the ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay
Yahshua taught not to be anxiously worried
Exodus 32:1,6 is a great example on lack of patience, and the Kohan reminds us not to give in to restlessness but to remain in our place (have patience)
The Great Kohan Benyamin C. spoke on Numbers from the Gematria: 7656, 1276, 1954, 1955, 1956, 263, Scriptures: Luke 19:33-34; Genesis 21:31, 33; Zecharayah 9:9; Daniyl 5:12, and I Kepha 1:4.
The Great Kohan Yahodah spoke on Exodus 19:20 and shows the following…
Sinai means instruction, precept, impress = teach; it also means Abel, Mosheh, Atbash Code, Torah
Genesis 1:1, Revelation 1:8 are also connected to Sinai in the Atbash Code
Sinai means the Law of Yahweh at Abel
Yahweh called Mosheh to The House of Yahweh to be taught Yahweh’s Laws
Isayah 24:23 shows Yahweh’s Laws are shown, preached, and announced by the Priests of The House of Yahweh
The Great Kohan Yliyah H. presented the news…
President Trump’s comments on historical bullets dipped in pigs’ blood to thwart terrorists
Warnings, sanctions, destruction, famine, etc. in nations in fourth part of the earth
Our Great Teacher, Yisrayl Hawkins began with a reminder of Yahweh’s words to Cain – “if you want to be acceptable, keep My Laws.” To be in unity with Yahweh, we have to be the exact opposite of Cain. The House of Yahweh teaches the way of Peace by teaching Yahweh’s Laws.
Preparation Day should be used to rehearse the previous sermons to prepare for the Sabbath. We go to The House of Yahweh to train, to learn how to teach. We are training for the Greatest Kingdom in the Universe. We cannot see it yet, but we see the results of it via Pastor’s teachings from the Book of Iyyob.
Isayah 24:1-6, 22-23
The character of the twelve tribes has been spread throughout the earth – we see results in news today
The Government we are training for will be spread throughout the universe – to end wars in heaven
The sinners will destroy the sinners; Nimrod system, shown in Genesis 10, is a system of force
Sinners should listen to the teachings from The House of Yahweh; they would learn how to achieve Salvation, because they would learn the Truth
The world – Muslims, Christians, etc.—has been deceived into worshipping Gods by Satan
Breaking one Law is as breaking them all; one sin connects the sinner to all the chaos, destruction, misery, etc. in the fourth part of the earth at this time
Leviticus 18 explains what defiles the mind and ultimately the earth
Isayah 24:6 is a Prophecy of what will occur in one hour – the one-hour burning
Force will never bring Peace; force is responsible for the terrorists that the nations fight against
Yahchanan 4:21 connects Isayah 24:23 referring to The House of Yahweh at Abel where the teaching of Yahweh Laws come from – then, now, and forever!
In Conclusion: Mattithyah 7:18 shows The House of Yahweh cannot bring forth evil and the Vatican cannot bring forth Righteousness.