A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Sabbath Line-Up
Your Children Will Prophesy – Daughter of Yisrayl Abel
Overcome, We Can Do It
Women’s Presentation
In gematria / Strong’s Concordance: “Who loves the House of Mighty Yahweh” is #4700, 3342, 557, 553; “We love The House of Yahweh” is #4078, 2136, 356; “Hearts sprinkled” is #602, 1074, 179
Yechetzqyah’s Prophecy of Temple measurements/patented fulfilled in 1995; Yisrayl Hawkins presented Temple brochure to Knesset in 1997
Details on 1961 presented showing Righteous characteristics of Yisrayl Hawkins
Overcoming – there are tremendous odds against us – entertainment is one example; overcoming takes time and effort; we have proper tools in The House of Yahweh, The Book of Yahweh is our best friend; we have to help ourselves to overcome; #414, 3335, 2484 to support cherishing The Book of Yahweh; do not waste time – study what Yisrayl Hawkins writes for us to learn
Men’s Presentation
Secrets Unlocked – Deacon Michayl Asaph and Kohan Benyamin C.
Bible Code Topic – Abel Way: The Two Witnesses, from Galilee, ending days, Abel Way, chili, Yahshua, HaKohan, Levites, last, offspring, Miriam, Yahseph, Maggie, descendant
Numbers in Gematria – The Travelling Lamp, 1074, 322, 828, 3444, 3467, 8280, 3478, 2550, 1993, 425, 1865, 5102, 627, 624, 622, 2022, 7851, 7848, 217, 3088, 1975, 1976, 2088, 1932, 1305, 1253, Scriptures: Acts 24:14; Yahchanan 7:7; Isayah 1:18, 2:2, 45:8, 60:8; Revelation 2:17, 11:19, 14:6, 18:1; Exodus 25:10; Daniyl 12:5; Zecharyah 4:2-3, 11-12; Luke 12:35-37
In the News – Kohan Yliyah H.
Israeli airstrikes in Damascus
South China Sea disputed area
John Bolton comments over the years about Iran
The Last Days’ Witness and Greatest Teacher in the World
Religious organizations are angry with The House of Yahweh; calling it a cult
Only Truth is brought forth in The House of Yahweh; do not follow Gods – they bring destruction
They should read/believe their bibles; Amosyah 3:7 says Yahweh will only have one prophesied Work; Salvation is only at The House of Yahweh
Pastor rehearses several verses proving The House of Yahweh is prophesied, led by Two Witnesses
Nothing will stop the Work of Yahweh – gates of hell will not prevail
Anyone who follows Righteousness will suffer persecution; Facebook streaming increasing audience throughout the world
Articles: STDs increasing dramatically, children are born with disease (newborn syphilis has spiked); Pastor holds preachers accountable because they do no teach against fornication, adultery, and sodomy; people should understand they are making themselves into the image of evil Gods contrary to Yahweh’s Plan shown in Genesis 1:26
2.3 million cases of STDs in 2017 (most ever reported nationally in a single year)
Yisrayl cautions against bullying, hatred, and to consider behavior before making offerings to Yahweh; make your offerings but do not neglect correcting your attitudes, emotions regarding your brethren
When you pray – remember to forgive if you want forgiveness as Yahshua taught
Additional Scriptures: Micahyah 4:1-3; Exodus 20:8, 20; Revelation 22:18-19; Mattithyah 5:23, 7:23; Yahchanan Mark 11:25