A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Men’s Presentation
Sons of Yisrayl Abel
- Learn to Teach – follow Yisrayl’s instructions, apply what we’ve learned
- Why Aren’t Prayers Answered – those who pray to Gods do not receive answers – Gods are useless
The Great Deacons’
- Our redemption draws near – “look up because your redemption draws near,” shows to rejoice, cheer up; how do we show Yahweh we are joyful – positive attitude demonstrated by words/actions towards others; benefits of smiling – releases endorphins, it’s contagious, boosts heart health, strengthens immunity, success, adds years to life
- Examine ourselves – get rid of all sin before Passover – even “a little” sin leads to more sin – purge it (nip in bud); keep Laws to achieve goal – Eternal Life; Yahshua paid price for past sins – no more sacrifice for willful sins; consider one another, partake of Yahshua’s Memorial worthily
- Staying strong in the House of Yahweh – we often forget our blessings; temptations on internet are overwhelming – consider its Righteous use (spreading Message), avoid temptations to sin; world makes sin look desirable but with age comes consequences; “it’s not only about us,” but how we affect/serve others; strive to be spiritually minded; carnal mind is focused on lusts of the world – it will break us down; guard against pulls of pride – let it go, stay strong, feed ourselves with Scriptures
- What do you value – value: consider something important, our standard of behavior; values impact choices; Yahweh values us, His Creation, success of His House; we show Yahweh we value Him by taking on His Character/allow Laws of Yahweh to govern our lives – this proves that we are important to Yahweh via blessings/benefits of keeping Laws; Satan’s attack on morality is extremely high – entertainment, what’s popular (she has many traps) etc.; maintain a mental stance for Righteousness; strive to be people of integrity – choose thoughts/actions based on what is right; never think there is freedom from Yahweh’s Laws – the results of that thinking is ultimately, death; we only fail when we stop trying
- Developing/nurturing desire for Righteousness – helps us endure like example before us, Yahshua; The Way is straight, very few find it; reflect upon Yahshua, learn from His example as we draw nearer to Passover; Yahshua lived a sinless life – we can follow His example by developing His habits 1) earnest prayer to Yahweh, 2) be a servant 3) go to classes 4) study Yahweh’s Holy Scriptures/information from Yahweh’s House; we have opportunity to think/make Righteous choices
- Conclusions – realize that religions teach lies; the books/booklets provide information to lead a person to The Truth; sin leads to death – it is a fact; conclusion of the whole matter is to reverence Yahweh, it is the duty of man; we must trust in Yahweh – He will protect His People; Yahweh’s People accept/appreciate The House of Yahweh as our home – Praise Yahweh
- Finish this race – encourage one another, we need/benefit from encouragement; an attitude – choose to think greater than you feel, consider that Yahweh sees our potential; our minds must align with our hearts – energize our thoughts through positive emotions (this helps us to change); our choices often come from stored emotions (95% of our thoughts) – we can change this; understand our bodies/minds and make better choices through effort – hold on to positive emotions/thoughts
- Peaceful Solution is Yahweh’s Attributes – learn Yahweh’s attributes – opportunity to study/learn as taught by Yisrayl/Priests; Mosheh an example (he learned Yahweh’s attributes); Cain chose to rebel – he chose mixture of Righteousness/evil – this mixture will pull us out of Yahweh’s House; attribute: an inherent characteristic, object closely associated with/belonging to a specific person/office, ascribes a quality to particular cause/source – therefore Yahweh’s attributes belong to Him; Yahweh speaks to us only through His Teachings via His Teachers; The House of Yahweh is dedicated to change hearts/minds of people who choose to listen
Scriptures: Luke 2:9-11, 18-19, 46-49, 11:4, 21:28; Romans 5:1-5, 6:14-16, 23, 8:6-7, 12:2; I Corinthians 5:6-8, 11:27-31; Mattithyah 4:4,7, 10, 6:9-13, 19:17, 20:26-27, 23:11; Hebrews 10:24-26; Yaaqob 1:2, 12-16; Isayah 5:20, 55:8-9; II Corinthians 3:17; II Kepha 2:7; Deuteronomy 6:13, 16, 8:3; Revelation 20:11-15; Exodus 34:6-7; Yahdah 1:11
Numbers: 996, 5275, 1074, 512, 1014, 420, 2116, 666, 111
The Great Kohan Qoheleth…
The Condition of the House of Yahweh/Our Responsibility to One Another
- The whole Plan of Yahweh begins with reverence of Yahweh – duty of man; duty is moral/legal obligation/responsibility (must keep Yahweh’s Laws)
- We show we love Yahweh when we keep His Laws; we know that His Laws are not grievous, they are peace, joy, abundant living
- Yahweh gives perfect Laws to imperfect people – we must change our hearts/minds and be patient with one another
- Correction is true love but chastening seems a burden, yet we know that it is not; might be perceived as a burden if correction is harsh – regardless it is to our benefit to accept it
- We should strive to be like Abel (kind, great teacher), Scripture testifies to his qualities (ask at Abel)
- King Solomon demonstrated Great Wisdom of Yahweh; it is our obligation, today, to ensure that Yahweh’s Wisdom is apparent among us now – it is our responsibility, as Yisrayl (he who rules as Yahweh) – this is our example to follow; consider we are to guide others on how to live according to Yahweh’s Laws – a standard we must uphold
- We were created for this – to do Justice/Righteousness; it is our duty – synonym for duty is fidelity (continuing loyalty and support)
- The Faith – is the system of religious truth (Laws of Yahweh); keeping Laws is perfection, must be accompanied by love for the Laws/desire to share with others; we deny the Faith when we do not consider others – we have no right, at any time, to be disrespectful to others; never tire of doing Righteousness; do not deny The Faith through mistreatment of one another (shown in our words/actions – our works)
Scriptures: Ecclesiastes 12:13, I Yahchanan 5:2-3, I Kings 10:6-9, Romans 1:19-20, Hebrews 11:1, Titus 1:15-16, 3:1-7, I Timothy 5:8