A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Sabbath Line-Up
Female Scholars Expound from Gematria (Yah-matria)
- Review of 1993 Peace Plan; Message is brought from The House of Yahweh; Yahshua the prophesied Savior
- Yahweh has provided a Teacher to give warning to the world prior to the final nuclear war; Yisrayl brings Salvation to mankind; we are striving to become adopted children of Yahweh
Numbers today: 1074, 322, 1260, 3510, 326, 1956, 3498, 828, 1818, 1172 (172), 1962, 2828 (828),
Scriptures today: Amosyah 3:7; Isayah 2:2; Micahyah 4:1-3; Genesis 49:10-11; Mattithyah 5:48, 16:18, 23:39; Zecharyah 6:12; Revelation 1:1, 11:3-4, 18:4; Deuteronomy 18:18; Acts 3:22; Psalm 82:1, 118:26; I Yahchanan 2:15; II Corinthians 6:17-18
Men’s Portion
Secrets Unlocked – Deacon Michayl Asaph and Kohan Benyamin C.
- Bible Code – Topic: Adam and Eve Pt 2 Reveals: created bloodless, to wail in extreme grief, gene garden, 1074, guard and keep, resplendent, Yah-inspiring, House of Yahweh, mountain of Yahweh, Cain, universal, tree or bush, Abel, tree or bush, catholic, murder, sin, desirable but deadly, uncover, mortality, motherly, 828
- (Yah-matria) Gematria – Topic: The Builders Pt 4 Architects of Deception Numbers: 1074, 4008, 2448, 2805, 2858, 2856, 1482, 2274, 2266, 2274, 2291, 2498, 3054, 1482, 666, 1199, 1054, 9447, 944, 4978, 2986, 2812, 1356, 1674, 2017, 1962, 6444, 8524, 322, 1987
Scriptures: Yeremyah 11:2, 9, 23:27; Daniyl 12: 4, 9; Genesis 1:27, 49:9; I Samuyl 8:6; Mattithyah 21:42, 23:39; Psalm 118:26
Commentaries/Restored Holy Scriptures – Kohan Yahodah
- Revelation 12:7-8 – reveals: contend, present evidence, find out verdict
- Genesis 3:14 – reveals: bring on a curse, own, human being and beast alike, living thing, remove, cause a mother to bring forth, destroy so as to remove from the world, live, remain alive
- Genesis 4:13-14 – reveals: universe, come to pass
Additional Scriptures: Yahchanan 8:44, Mattithyah 7:22-23, Revelation 12:2, Isayah 65:20, Yahchanan 1:1-3
In the News – Kohan Yliyah H.
- California fires
- Brazil interested in becoming part of OPEC
- Israeli tension on the rise
- Ukraine wants to be part of NATO
- Syrian oil protected by US – US sells Syrian oil
The Last Days’ Witness and Greatest Teacher in the World
Yisrayl Hawkins began by showing proof of over 473,000 views on Sabbath livestream.
- Revelation 10:7 – The House of Yahweh reveals the secrets of Yahweh; Yah-matria shows 1074
- Hebrew language given to Adam/Eve is the mother language of all languages; evidence in “bits and pieces” in all languages, throughout the world
- House of Yahweh – job to bring mankind into Yahweh’s Image; Yah-matria shows 1074
- “Belongs to Yahweh”– Pastor tells us to run this phrase in Yah-matria
- At 6:00 am (CT), House of Yahweh runs livestream teaching from Book of Yisrayl (women); at 4:00 am, 4:30 am, 5:30 am men’s classes joined by other nations
- Kingdom of Yahweh was rejected, which means they were cut off from Yahweh/salvation; Yahshua confirmed Yahweh’s Laws would not be destroyed, ever; only a few find salvation, most reject what Yahweh offers to mankind
- Garden of Eden, (Garden of Genes – genealogies carried forward to Yahshua)
- Hebrews 10:25 – Yahshua taught not to forsake Sabbath gathering
- Mattithyah 23:39 – KJV shows word Lord but Unger’s Bible Dictionary states this is wrong name, it reads “blessed is He Who comes in the Name Yahweh” – for those words to mean something 1) go to the place Yahweh places His Name, etc.
- Mattithyah 23:1 – Yahshua spoke to multitudes – they saw miracles but multitudes left; only Twelve Disciples remained
- Abraham’s genes came down to Yahshua; Abraham listened to Sarah in regards to her son/son of Hagar; Pastor reminds us to humble ourselves/allow Yahweh to lift us up – do not lift ourselves up
- Pastor tells young people to turn from evil and examples of evil
- Mattithyah 23:3 – obey and practice Yahweh’s Laws and anticipate the full use of subconscious mind in future time, regardless of age today
- Mattithyah 23:13 – speaking to Coptic Catholic religion; they shut the door to the Kingdom of Yahweh
Scriptures: Mattithyah 6:33, 24; Acts 3:19; I Yahchanan 3:4; II Corinthians 6; Leviticus 11; Isayah 58:13; Genesis 3:5, 49:1; I Samuyl 8:7-8; Revelation 6:6