A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
The Great Deacons…
- Yahweh’s Shadow of Protection – keep Feast at Yahweh’s Protected Place, trust Yahweh will protect us from diseases/pestilences
- Understanding comes from Yahweh’s Servant – Yisrayl; we show Yahweh we love Him by following Yisrayl’s instruction
- We offer ourselves as living sacrifices doing the Work of Yahweh – we do this in peace, joy, humility
- Sign in cloud shows large dove – meaning protection, alabaster stone resembles white stone of acquittal; alabaster aids in forgiveness, rids oneself of grudges
- Yahweh “passes over us” so we can make atonement – we have opportunity to be trained and we ought to consider what we are willing to give up to achieve the goal
- Conversion is a life-long process – objective is to quickly make right choices; Atonement shows what you are willing to go through for others; invest in children – give up our own wants in order to put them first; be righteous example
- Only connection we have with Yahweh is Yisrayl Hawkins – in Prophecy Yahweh shows importance of His Last Days’ Witness (chosen by Yahweh)
- Honey/butter is helpful, it can protect us – unlike antibiotics honey does not harm micro-kingdoms in our bodies; protect ourselves against viruses – feed the gut (honey has properties to feed, fortify and strengthen gut microbes; it oxygenates and alkalizes the body); polyphenols are micronutrients found in plants and bee hives, bringing antioxidants to combat free radicals
Scriptures: Genesis 3:5; Ephesians 4:1-6, 15-16; Yahchanan Mark 12:29-34, 44, 14:3; Yahchanan 10:11-18; Revelation 22:16; Proverbs 4:26; Psalm 91; Zecharyah 9:8; Isayah 44:2, 21
Numbers: 2927, 6751, 1212, 6738, 3854, 910 drop 0 = 91, 8108, 8104, 5826, 975, 974, 1207, 211, 54, 1, 3498, 7442
The Great Kohans…
- Recent plague is one of seven – these are prophesied, so we would know to believe; recognize current situation is only the beginning
- We the people – refers to those who humble themselves/submit to One Yahweh has Sent; say “Blessed is he who comes in the Name of Yahweh” – this is our guarantee before Yahweh
- Gladly, with delight, the people assembled are bound together by Laws, we are people that recognize we need each other (make it into the Kingdom with body of believers)
- By Prophecy we know that there will be great deception – one of the most prominent is allowing ourselves to be offended by our brothers/sisters; our commission in these Last Days is to become teachers; we must look at ourselves and determine that is our goal; at this time we have not achieved perfection, yet we must learn to bridle/train our words – this is not easy because of attitudes we might have toward authorities; knowing the consequences of our words we must strive to be careful what we say
- Our instructions are our protection – this will be a time period like no other; listen to Yisrayl, who is like Yahweh; this will be a time of trouble like no other throughout man’s history
- Yahweh’s Way is a simple way of life; 1) eat according to Yahweh’s health Laws – helps us learn righteousness/no confusion 2) keep Yahweh’s Sabbath – if not physically present at Abel, there is live stream 3) keep Yahweh’s Feast at His House – Yahweh chooses the place
- Be on guard /apply instruction received from Yisrayl
- Original sons of Yahweh sought to play/caused suffering – they created war machines (dinosaurs) and derived pleasure from watching them fight and kill; we ought to consider what we watch on TV – watching violence
- Strive to be “doers” of the Work/results of our studies and not “hearers” only
- Yahweh’s Plan is to put an end to misery, suffering, pain that is throughout the earth
- Mankind is uniquely created to teach – we can formulate idea in the mind/then communicate it to others; ask ourselves what we teach – something righteous or what seems right in our own minds (Scripture shows this leads to death)
- How do we teach? By what we say and what we do; Yahweh gives us the choice; we can follow the pattern established in The House of Yahweh – serving others
- All Prophecy will be fulfilled – details found in the Book of Revelation
Scriptures: Isayah 24:22-23; Yaaqob 3:1-2, 8-9; Yahchanan Mark 12:30-31; Mattithyah 24:21; Daniyl 12:1; Leviticus 11; Exodus 20:10, 31:13; Deuteronomy 12:5,7-8, 11, 13; Revelation 13:1, 17:1-3, 7-11, 16