A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Sabbath Line-Up
Female Scholars Expound from Yah-matria
- Oslo Accord and Peace Plan reviewed; The House of Yahweh is built upon the foundation of Apostles, Prophets, The Branch, Yahshua, and Yahweh – built upon the Laws and the Prophets; Yahweh is not a God; only The House of Yahweh has the High Priest, Yahshua
- Study The Book of Yahweh – requires more than “reading”
Numbers today: 8280, 828, 1050, 2906, 6697, 3246, 3245, 293, 534, 1074, 6603, 1925, 1728, 1722, 288, 322, 1983, 1774, 2088, 3611
Scriptures today: I Kings 18:22; Mattithyah 16:18, 24:14, 21; Daniyl 12:4; Genesis 49:1, 11; Isayah 2:2, 45:5; Micahyah 4:1; Zecharyah 6:12; Ephesians 2:20; II Timothy 2:19; Yahchanan 6:63; Revelation 1:1-3, 22:16
Men’s Portion
Secrets Unlocked – Deacon Michayl Asaph and Kohan Benyamin C.
- Bible Code – Topic: Inside Jupiter Reveals: Apollo, Ebola, afflicted, armies, befoul, bitterness, bombed, defiance, disheartening, oppression, elohim, Yahdah, forlorn, God-like, 1994, hopelessness, Lilith, mephitic, Egypt, blind, depressed, eradicate, sad
- Yah-matria – Topic: Upon this rock I will build my church #2 Numbers: 1356, 666, 421, 2526, 2552, 3291, 6117, 182, 1092, 926, 1054, 5178, 5176, 5175, 5172, 3106, 2937, 11221 (1122), 1129, 4198, 1356, 2535, 1126, 6756, 894, 1101, 2535, 2526, 1521, 1668, 3248, 3246, 3245, 2274, 2267, 1961
Scriptures: Genesis 2:9
Commentaries/Restored Holy Scriptures – Kohan Yahodah
- Exodus 20:1-6 reveals: the world, a female adversary, behind, opposite, become, like, zeal for The House of Yahweh, think about, perverseness, transgress/change a law
- Yahweh brought the children of Israyl out of Satan’s House (Egypt)
Scriptures: Exodus 20:1-6, Ecclesiastes 12:13
In the News – Kohan Yliyah H.
- Pharmaceutical cost of insulin is not affordable
- Nations being oppressed by governmental system
- Prime Minister Netanyahu in news
- NATO striving for dominance
- Iran riots instigated by US; naval drills by Iran, China, and Russia
The Last Days’ Witness and Greatest Teacher in the World
Yisrayl Hawkins began by encouraging everyone to be at Abel by Passover 2020. The Feast Days are a shadow from things to come – study The Book of Yahweh, Books of Yisrayl, Newsletters, and Prophetic Word
- Articles on universe being war zone… NATO (Pope’s army) at an upcoming summit – NATO will declare space a war-fighting domain (giving them permission to use technology including satellites, missiles, etc.)
- Scriptures say mankind will have bombs in this generation only; will burn the earth, darken the sun – these Prophecies written thousands of years ago, are possible only in this generation
- The religions have rejected The House of Yahweh from the beginning; Yahweh’s Prophets and Yahshua came to warn them of their errors and sins – they persecuted/murdered them
- The wars, that will soon occur on earth, will also occur in space
- In the end, what remains of the Quartet will turn to Yahweh and His House
- The Catholic Church began with Cain and has continued from that time – Cain was first pope
- Yahshua’s words sealed until this generation… “Blessed is he who comes in the Name of Yahweh”
- II Kepha 3:10 – when we see the Prophecies coming to pass (capability to destroy the earth) – the Day of Yahweh will come… the technology already exists for outer space war to fulfill what is written in this verse
Scriptures: II Kepha 3:10-12, Revelation 12:13, Mattithyah 23:39