A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Women’s Portion
Female Scholars Expound from Gematria
- The Holy Women of New are Yisrayl’s donkeys – they are the perfect helpmeet
- Only The House of Yahweh brings True Salvation – they choose the straight and narrow
- Yisrayl, the Last Days’ Witness, foretells Yahweh’s Prophecies
- Yisrayl will purify people with Righteous teaching to be clean/acceptable before Yahweh
- Day-to-day grind seems slow but we wait because we know Yahweh’s Word will come to pass
- To obey is better than sacrifice – be a worshipper of Yahweh
Numbers today: 3109, 2298, 17, 6235, 6237, 7651, 7, 1962, 531, 553, 2088, 1074, 1818, 2773, 522, 179, 142, 575, 26, 7964, 7971, 828, 322, 72, 5828, 558, 6152, 3348, 330, 4589, 1980, 4560, 29
Scriptures today: Daniyl 9:24-27; Isayah 43:28, 44:7-8; Yahchanan 6:29; Acts 3:22; Zecharyah 4:9; Habakkuk 2:3, 3:2
Men’s Portion
Secrets Unlocked – Deacon Michayl Asaph and Kohan Benyamin C.
- Bible Code Topic – “The Witness Yaaqob” reveals: the witness Yaaqob, Odessa, House of Yahweh established in land of Israel, threatened by rabbis, sixth malak, dedicated HOY with Bill, Abilene, hidden, secret, concealed, chosen, elect, visible decoy, murder, assassination, same as Sonny, barium, poisoning, criminal, Hillyl, from Abilene, with Tex
- Numbers in Gematria – “Yahweh Himself Will Bring Forth a Sign” reveal: 142, 852, 2226, 623, 2142, 624, 1015, 323, 3050, 1962, 2483, 8175, 1962, 1463, 2502, 3852, 10062 (drop the zero) 1062, 1677, 1694, 62, 1162, 1934, 1122, 1027, 1467, 454, 2022, 1909
Scripture: Revelation 11:3; Isayah 7:14, 44:1; Revelation 3:14; Psalm 54:3; Iyyob 6:2; Ezrayah 10:27
Commentaries/Restored Holy Scriptures – Kohan Yahodah
- Yahchanan 6:63 reveals: the Word of Yahweh
- Yahchanan 14:16-17 reveals: to unite, according to Your Word, O Yahweh, the Word of Yahweh (meaning of the word Comforter)
- Yahchanan 16:7-11 reveals: according to Your Word O Yahweh
Scriptures: Yahchanan 3:1-2, 6:63, 14:16-17, 16:7-11; Psalm 119:76
In the News – Kohan Yliyah
- Pharmaceuticals absorbed in “gut” affect decisions
- Earthquakes in California
- Athens, Georgia man’s suicide by police
- Damascus under Israeli missiles
- Iran states they will not comply with demands
- Russia/China prepared to switch to BRICS banking system
The Last Days’ Witness and Greatest Teacher in the World
Yisrayl Hawkins began with articles, which prove the time we are in according to Prophecy.
Additional highlights…
- Pastor spoke about warship cloud with arrow after recent storm
- News articles in the “Time of the Two Witnesses” include the following: Iran missile capabilities, pre-conditions for Arab/Israeli peace, Russia/China against US and futility of their efforts on both sides, US saying no pre-conditions in speaking with Iran with threats of obliteration, Russia sides with Iran against Israel
- Pastor rehearsed the 7-year peace plan with Prophecies for last 3½ years, the 1962 radio-broadcast by the Two Witnesses that was produced in a Q & A format, Prophecies about the ten kings
- 4,199 religions oppose one another throughout the world
- Satan’s efforts can be compared to a dynasty (a succession of hereditary rulers beginning with Cain and development of Nimrod system)
- Revelation 13:11-12 describes two-horned beast that are religions – US is made up of Protestants and Catholics, they worship same Gods with differences in their specific doctrines, which divides them
- The Tree of Life begins as smallest but will grow to govern over all in Righteousness, via teaching of Peace through Yahweh’s Laws
Additional Scriptures: Revelation 13:2