A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Men’s Presentation: Trusting in Yahweh
The more one knows about their environment, the greater the odds for survival – our mindset/focus should be on Yahweh’s Plan; know that we will face darkness and apply opportunities afforded us by tests and trials in order to overcome resentment
Yahweh called us to Righteous work and performing Yahweh’s Laws is our Righteousness
Our Righteous conduct is for every day, wherever we are, whatever we do; not only about preaching who we are but rather our outward practice of the Laws – we can’t live a mixture of Righteousness and evil
Bitterness, gossip, or lifting ourselves up over others is following the Gods; we should not be striving to prove we are better than others – this is not unity
Be aware of supposed “little things” that do not seem to be sin but have full potential to lead to sin – do not follow the desires of this world, rather seek Yahweh through all tools available in The House of Yahweh
PTSD among veterans is not only because of what was experienced in war but also isolation post war; the sense of community and Peaceful Solution taught at The House of Yahweh will help
Understand authority that Yahweh gave us as the power over sin (we can turn from sin); there is no room for arrogance in The House of Yahweh – the 613 Laws are our guidelines to what we have authority to do and not do; therefore, we must cherish this authority and use it wisely; trust is essential as well as forgiveness – our humility is our chosen vulnerability and builds trust – with our brethren and Yahweh; the Laws are Life, they build trust among the People of Yahweh
Develop strength in The House of Yahweh – through our trials we conquer/overcome sin to be Righteous
We must practice to bring every thought under control as Yahshua set the example; Yahshua learned obedience through suffering – He loved learning Righteousness or to increase knowledge through whatever positive means available
Do not allow negative experiences to overwhelm the positive – we can benefit/we can grow through both positive and negative experiences; learn to rejoice through it all
Yahshua’s Example is mighty – He was strong/in control of His Mind
Do not make decisions based on emotions; we show love toward one another through the sharing of our tests and trials – support and encourage one another
Be consistent teachers – do not change from doing Righteousness
Verses today: Yahchanan 1:1-5, 5:19-20; Genesis 1:1-2, 28; Ephesians 5:1, 8; I Yahchanan 1:6, 3:4, 7-8; Acts 3:19; II Corinthians 6:17, 10:3-5; Galatians 6:10; Mattithyah 3:11-12, 5:5; I Corinthians 1:26-31, 5:9-11, 15:33, 56; II Samuyl 22:2-3; Yahaqob 4:11-12; II Kepha 1:5-11; Psalm 19:5; Hebrews 5:8-9; Proverbs 28:26; Exodus 31:13; Leviticus 19:30
Conclusion: You shall reverence Me, by keeping My Sabbaths at My Sanctuary – when Yahweh’s People attend Services, they support and encourage one another.