A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Moving mountains, power over Yahweh’s Creation is part of Yisrayl’s sermon today, and we rejoice in this awesome knowledge. Behold the Branch! Praise Yahweh!
Sons of Yisrayl Abel spoke on Keeping Yahweh’s Laws and Humility
The Great Kohan Benyamin C. spoke on the number 1074 and the Two Witnesses
Numbers today: 1074, 1962, 1696, 1062, 1060, 559, 1976, 1934
References: Daniyl 8:11-13, Yechetzqyah 14:14, Isayah 13:1-2, 45:1, 62:10-12; Romans 10:12-15
The Great Kohan Yahodah presented a positive message from Genesis 1:26. Using authoritative references, the Kohan shows this verse means Yahweh’s Priests will teach ALL of Yahweh’s Creation from Abel, The House of Yahweh. As Yahweh’s People, we can look forward to being able to communicate with everything Yahweh has made.
References: Isayah 28, Mattithyah 13, I Yahchanan 3:1-2
The Great Kohan Yliyah H. presented the news and the following is a partial list:
Denmark will jail women who cover their faces in public places; Iran accused of not permitting religious freedom – Iran denies
Bayer acquires and becomes sole owner of Monsanto
Putin on WW3 saying it will be last war, WW4 would be fought with sticks and stones
Support for East Jerusalem as Palestine’s Capital
The Great Kohan Yisrayl Hawkins began by quoting Trump’s statement that the press is America’s greatest enemy, and Pastor reminds us of accusations against Yahweh’s Servant and His House.
Highlights from Yisrayl’s sermon include…
HOY Facebook has over 26,000 followers
In this time period, mentality of the people, led by religions, will not repent
US abortions stats are staggering, and Yisrayl speaks to religions who teach an “only believe” useless message
Ongoing abortion debate on whether or not heartbeat indicates life
Trade wars based on retaliation and revenge will not work, nations will suffer
New Jersey beaches closed due to fecal contamination
15,000 nuclear warheads on earth; nuclear winter could occur with use of only 100; Pastor reads article and comments on state of confused minds at this time; famines will kill throughout nations (https://gizmodo.com/morbid-researchers-imagine-a-best-case-scenario-for-nuc-1826776856)
Yahweh will “give” authority to those who qualify
Revelation 9:13-14 (written in 96AY): wars held back in order to train Yahweh’s People, so they are ready to receive the ability to have rulership over Yahweh’s Creation
We prove that we repent and convert to Yahweh’s Laws in obedience to the teachings in Yahweh’s House
Yahweh will protect us doing the Work that takes place in the worst worse time ever
To be part of Yahweh’s Kingdom, we must submit 100% and turn from sin completely
Conclusion: The last of Yahweh’s People, seen on Yahweh’s Sea of Glass from the beginning, will complete Yahweh’s Plan to teach all of His Servants from Adam to Yahchanan and to this Last Generation. This is Yahweh’s doing and marvelous in our eyes!