A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Men’s Presentation
Children Will Prophesy
· Yahweh is our Father
· Build the Holy House of Yahweh
Scriptures: Genesis 1:25-26, 17:1-2, 18:19; Yahchanan 1:1-4; Proverbs 6:23, 31:1; Acts 3:19; Zecharyah 5:11; Exodus 19:8
The Great Deacons
· Mankind, inspired by the Gods, cut themselves off from Yahweh and practice sin instead of Righteousness
· Yahweh is bringing us into Unity with Him; our mindset must not be on lusts of the world; focus on bringing forth the peace of Yahweh’s Laws (be a Righteous example); resist everything that the world throws at us – stop/think how to behave according to Yahweh’s Law
· Worldly pride is what we must turn from – the deacon gave several definitions to help us identify
· Recognize the characteristics of a narcissistic – examine ourselves and overcome any tendencies we might have within us
· Make distinctions between humility and pride; humility is a gift from Yahweh; strive to be blameless before Yahweh
· History shows evil priests did not protect the words of Yahweh – instead, they spread lies, deception; Yahweh’s Name was hidden, deliberate efforts to change name to Elohim, Adonai, Lord, etc.
· Yisrayl is End Days’ “writer” to restore the Name of Yahweh; the deacon lists Righteous accomplishments by Yisrayl Hawkins
Scriptures: I Yahchanan 5:3, 1:15-17; Deuteronomy 6:25; Revelation 3:10, 14:15; Proverbs 21:24, 23:14, 27; Luke 6:39-40; Leviticus 20:29; Daniyl 1:4, 2:24, 7:22; Psalm 7:2, 15; Malakyah 2:11; Genesis 1:2, 26; Exodus 25:31, 36; Hebrews 2:18, 15; Romans 16:17; II Timothy 3:1-7; Galatians 5:19-26; Mattithyah 22:29, 6:13; Yaaqob 1:13-14; I Corinthians 10:13
Numbers: 1355, 1358, 1356, 312, 52, 7737, 34, 41, 1482, 666
The Great Kohan Parayah
· The word Judgment means a verdict favorable or unfavorable, etc.
· Yaaqob’s vision reveals The House of Yahweh and the entrance to the Kingdom of Yahweh; we see this today in Yahweh’s House in Abilene
· We are governed by laws/rules no matter where we go in the world; we have opportunity to be governed by Yahweh’s Laws/Rules…
1. Within the Laws of Yahweh is a Law which states not to add/take away from Law – world violates
2. Law states not to be a respecter of persons – world is biased, often based upon gain, power, etc.
· We are taught to be proactive – therefore, we will prevent problems
· Yahweh’s Way is to provide Judgments of Yahweh to all – free of charge
· The peoples’ obligation is to follow instruction of Priests and not oppose them – know/accept the Priests are provided (by Yahweh) to guide/advise us
· Know that the way to salvation is straight/narrow – we need their (Priests) help
· Lawyer/attorney/counselor are interchangeable words – therefore we should appreciate our counselors because they are our advocates, our friends
· We have an agreement – all of us have sinned and we have conditions to follow – go, sin no more in an allotted time to prove we will not sin
Scriptures: Deuteronomy 1:15-16, 4:1-2, 5-9, 17:9-13; Genesis 28:17; Micahyah 3:1-3, 9-11; Psalm 119:24; Proverbs 12:15; Hebrews 13:17