A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Sabbath Line-Up
Children Will Prophecy – Daughter of Yisrayl Abel
We Are In The Last Days
Women’s Portion
Numbers today: 1909, 1989, 1982, 1890, 1940, 1933, 1934, 2002, 1976, 1996, 2005, 85, 1074, 1085, 1096, 1122, 17, 18, 4160, 2378, 2380, 752, 748, 1326, 1327, 221, 215, 752, 344, 188, 717, 334, 828, 322, 138, 28
Prophecies about Yisrayl are supported in the numbers (Gematria)
Numbers back up time period we are in and the great gathering
I am Yahweh Your Heavenly Father; Yisrayl is at one with Yahweh, he is a worshiper of Yahweh and teaches us to worship Yahweh; Yahweh’s Laws prevail through Yisrayl, and Yisrayl teaches us to turn from sin
The Law of Yahweh is the Yliyah, the Strength of Yahweh
Scriptures today: Mattithyah 13:17, 24:11; Revelation 7:1-3, 17:18; Daniyl 2:45, 9:27; Luke 21:11; Yeremyah 23:3; Yahchanan 6:29; Isayah 2:2, 42:21
Men’s Portion
Secrets Unlocked – Deacon Michayl Asaph and Kohan Benyamin C.
Bible Code Topic – The deacon gave mini-study about ‘hidden codes’
On “Yisrayl’s Lot” the bible codes reveal: 1074, Yisrayl’s lot, 4, Yahweh’s Mark, license plate, hindered, Tsephanyah, Abraham, ancestry, Abil, Abel Way, 1934, 17, 1976
Numbers in Gematria – Jack Van Impe and the Sparing of Two Billion People at The House of Yahweh, Part II; numbers: 4200 (religions in world today) 4199 (serve dragon), 3553, 666, 6959, 1712, 3554, 2603, 8215, 8214, 8213, 10704, 4536, 828, 1074, 4535, 4525, 4579, 3372, 2564, 2753, 3173, 3172, 3176, 2774, 4198, 322, 2022, 2468 Therefore, Lilith wants to destroy all Saints on earth
Scriptures: II Corinthians 4:4, Revelation 17:5
Commentaries/Restored Holy Scriptures – Kohan Yahodah
Study on Exodus 20:5, Deuteronomy 5:9 zeal for The House of Yahweh, to call to account, consider your ways, in the end there is the Judgment, perverseness, to change Law
Psalm 41:8 a person worn out (diseased) by adulteries applies to both genders, because of sin, unlawful relations, sodomy
Romans 1:26-29 break into pieces, diseased, killed, robbed of Righteous Judgment
People are destroying themselves by committing sin; sexual sins of men and women will pass to generations; lawful relationships are blessed, unlawful relationships are cursed – evidence is in diseases including STDs
Therefore, keep the Law as Ecclesiastes 12:13 clearly states
In the News – Kohan Yliyah H.
Comments from Pope Francis at Catholic Church Summit
New York and Virginia pushing bill to abort in third trimester
President Trump endorses bible back in schools
Prime Minister Netanyahu could be indicted, real threat upon him
Latest news on Venezuela and China
The Last Days’ Witness and Greatest Teacher in the World
Yisrayl Hawkins began with Facebook stats on Sabbath livestream increasing every week.
Highlights today:
Mankind made subject to vanity but Yahweh says to overcome it; Prophets were persecuted; evidence of results of man’s decisions presented before the heavens – continual wars, sickness, hatred
System of religion and Yahweh’s Work in Prophecy and Gematria
Yahshua is Judge and has qualified for all Judgment
All the world has gone the way of Cain, which includes violence through games, etc.; Satan deceives the whole world – Easter egg hunt as example; religions do not want Yahweh to rule over them
I Yahchanan 3:15 – Yahweh was teaching from the beginning to love your brother
Therefore, settle matters between brothers and sisters; it is a fact that there will be problems but they do not have to be fought over, they can be solved peacefully – the choice is ours to make; be sure to settle controversies before making offerings to Yahweh
Yahweh is not a God – He never identified Himself as a God; the world worships Gods (4199 religions)
Revelation 22:12-16 shows Yahshua saying that those who keep Yahweh’s Laws are blessed
Religions have no excuse for hanging on to false names and false teachings, there is plenty of proof that the Creator’s Name is Yahweh and Sabbath is Seventh Day
Daniyl 7:25 shows who is responsible for generating the deception that rules over the world
Daniyl 7:26 they will do this to themselves
Seek First the Kingdom of Yahweh!