A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Men’s Presentation
The Great Kohan Yahshua H.
- If we do not make time for “our wellness” we will need to make time for “our illness,” by taking care of ourselves we are not hindered from helping others
- Self-Respect – hard to treat others properly if we do not respect ourselves
- Learn to deal with the problem itself – we won’t be dependent upon our weaknesses (food, alcohol, entertainment, etc.), control our appetites and do not permit weaknesses to overpower us
- OSC (Okie Self-Control Diet) uses everything we’ve been taught in Yahweh’s House
- Eat with purpose – consider what we eat to give us energy (donuts/soda for breakfast will not sustain our day); honey/butter is eaten for purpose of choosing Righteousness, the Kohan gave details on qualities/benefits of honey and butter
- Our bodies are our responsibility – not only for ourselves but more so for the Body of Messiah
- Parents are managers of their children – requires consistency in all areas of life including food choices
- Teach ourselves to balance caloric intake with activity – walking is a great exercise
- Beware of sugar sources – cane sugar is healthy food consumed in moderation; sugar from sugar beets is a GMO product; Yahweh’s Holy People do not eat abominable things – a product could list clean ingredients but could be from unclean source
Scriptures: Hebrews 10:24-25; Mattithyah 22:34-37; I Corinthians 6:12-15; Proverbs 23:19-21, 25:16; Isayah 7:15; Leviticus 11:2; Deuteronomy 14:2; Chagyah 2:11-14
The Great Kohan Levi J.
- Yahweh has an agreement with mankind – the Covenant will not be replaced; Yahweh searches the heart – He examines, tests, tries the heart of man; what is written in our heart governs our behavior
- We have example of Mosheh teaching Yahweh’s Laws; at this time, Yisrayl teaches us Yahweh’s Laws
- The Kohan stressed importance of what we store in our hearts
- Sanctuary set-up: Yahweh instructed Mosheh to build the ark first – gold represents purity and unity; we see a parallel of the testimony placed within the ark and what we put in our hearts
- Ark of the Covenant/Ark of the Testimony/Ark of Yahweh are the same – the ark contains Work of Yahweh
- Our heart stores treasure – Yahweh searches our hearts to see that His Word is written within – the literature stored in the ark should be also found in our hearts
- Testimony relates to the word witness (as a verb); Isayah 44:1, 7-8: Yisrayl witnesses/foretells the Message and teaches (by repetition, through warnings, admonishments, etc.)
Scriptures: Yeremyah 31:31, 17:9-10; Deuteronomy 6:1-6, 11:18, 32:45-47; Exodus 24:3-4, 7,12, 25:8-22; I Corinthians 3:16-17; Revelation 18:19, 22:12-16; Numbers 10:33; I Samuyl 3:3
The Great Kohan David H.
- Return to Me and I will return to you (Malakyah 3:7), Yahweh offers eternal life through His House
- The Laws of our Father Yahweh will last forever – they do not wither as the grass; if we have the Laws of Yahweh within our heart, we, likewise can live forever
- To those who have left the Work of Yahweh (The House of Yahweh), the Kohan asks, “what is your plan for obtaining eternal salvation?”
- The Scriptures give warning to those who leave their first love (the Laws/Prophets) and return to the ways of the world; to obtain eternal life is “not easy” and Scripture says if the Righteous are scarcely saved, where will the unrighteous be (answer: they won’t be there, they will not obtain eternal life); the word scarcely means with great difficulty
- The wicked will be separated from the just, Yahshua said every tree (every person) that does not bear Righteous fruit will be cut down
- Once we make commitment (our vow) to Yahweh and His Plan/His Work, we should never look back/go back to previous lifestyle; we must be those who overcome our sins/our past
- Do not reject Yahweh and do not allow a root of bitterness to grow – otherwise that root (being offended) can overwhelm
- Yahweh’s offer of eternal salvation/position in His Kingdom is a “limited time offer” and comes through Yahweh’s representative, Yisrayl – the offer expires when the nuclear bombs drop
Scriptures: Isayah 40:5; Genesis 6:3; Hebrews 5:8, 10:37-39, 11:6-6, 12:12-17; Mattithyah 3:10-11, 13:49, 24:45-47, 48-51, 25: 31-33, 34, 41; Isayah 44:21, 55:6-7; I Kepha 4:17-19; Deuteronomy 12:5-7, 9; Hosheyah 4:6; Malakyah 3:7-8, 10; Yeremyah 29:11-13
The Great Kohan Banayah
- A great deception comes in the Last Days – if possible the very elect would be deceived
- Yahshua said Yahweh would not be worshipped in Jerusalem; He also said to believe all that the Prophets have spoken
- We are the living House of Yahweh – therefore we wait on Yahweh
- Yeremyah and Daniyl are two Prophets who spoke of the great gathering; Yahweh said He would gather the remnant – first from Egypt and the second is shortly to come
- Isayah said wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your time – the Kohan asks who teaches us; the answer – Yisrayl, Yahweh’s spirit of knowledge will be upon him
- During time of trouble – Yahweh will hide us in His House, He will also glorify His House
- Yisrayl is the Teacher of Righteousness as the Light prophesied by Isayah (60:1)
Scriptures: Isayah 1:26, 2:2-3, 11:1-2, 60:1-2, 9, 66:6-10; Yeremyah 16:14-15, 19-21; Daniyl 12:1-4; Psalm 27: ;, Yahchanan 4:35-38; Mattithyah 13:38, 47