A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Sabbath Line-Up
Children Will Prophesy – Daughter of Yisrayl Abel
Valentine exposed in Gematria
Women’s Portion
Desire begins in the heart; worldly love is based on emotions, feelings, etc. not on Yahweh’s Laws; if we obey Yahweh by keeping His Laws, we become Yahweh’s Sons and Daughters
Valentine’s Day generates retail sales – in 2019 sales were up from previous year, yet we know from study it is associated with filthiness (Gematria, Revelation, etc.)
Abortion and STD statistics show results of Valentine’s Day
The holidays are kept by people without knowing why they observe these pagan days, The House of Yahweh exposes deception and lies
Valentine’s Day is a pagan celebration – example: Cupid was a God of desire
Adultery is sin committed also in the heart – lust
Numbers today: 2934, 2058, 343, 151, 150, 153, 146, 1050, 1570, 2232,
Scriptures today: Genesis 3:11; Psalms 139:7; Revelation 17:1-4, 18:4, 20:2, 21:8; I Corinthians 10:20-21, 13:4-7; Romans 6:16; I Kepha 2:9; Proverbs 14:10; Ephesians 5:3, 11; II Timothy 2:22; Yeremyah 23:15
Men’s Portion
Secrets Unlocked – Deacon Michayl and Kohan Benyamin
Bible Code – Topic: 4199 Religions, reveals: iniquity, hatred for Yahweh, evil as Gods, Egypt, exposed, mark of beast, 666, ending soon
Gematria – Subject: Jack Van Impe Part 4 – the Nimrod course, Numbers: 322, 1674, 666, 1998, 396, 792, 266, 5181, 4835, 7533, 4794, 2218
Scriptures: Zecharyah 9:1, 8; Revelation 13:18; Genesis 10; I Corinthians 12:2; Isayah 56:10; Titus 1:11
* The Great Kohan Michayl made announcement to children not to follow the ways of the Gods, as witnessed in the news. He encourages them to practice respect and imitate Righteous leaders in The House of Yahweh.
In the News – Kohan Yliyah H.
Kushner finished tour of Middle East to endorse and gather support for Peace Treaty
Tension between India and Pakistan increasing (both have nuclear capabilities)
China’s influence on Venezuela; Russia getting involved; US keeps threatening sanctions
The Last Days’ Witness and Greatest Teacher in the World
Yisrayl Hawkins began with recent Facebook stats of 85,000 viewers on last week’s sermon. Comments are increasing about Righteous teachers at Abel.
Highlights from Pastor’s sermon:
Hidden code reveals #666 associated with 4,199 religions; Coptic Catholics turned against the Prophet Samuyl and have since spread throughout the world
Revelation 17 speaks of Roman Catholic Church that sits on seven hills; first beast (called 4th beast in Daniyl 7) has authority from Satan, the US becomes second beast wanting to be like the first one (two horned beast Catholics/Protestants); these corrupt religions are leading the world to war
Over 6 million abortions, worldwide, so far this year (only two months); President Trump states abortion is equal to murder and encourages the reading of the bible; Pastor points out that teaching the mixture in schools (bible and evolution) will only lead to more confusion
Salvation starts with the keeping of the Sabbath; Yahshua said seek first the Kingdom of Yahweh; Yahweh’s Habitation is the people of The House of Yahweh; The House of Yahweh teaches – war no more
Vatican has over 2,000 new cases of pedophilia pending; Pastor reads several news headlines revealing 666
Yahshua taught Righteousness; what He said will last forever
Yahweh’s People on verge of being reborn (promise in Genesis 1:26) to become Sons and Daughters of Yahweh; the actual change will bring use of subconscious mind along with authority
The wages of sin is death – there is no getting around it; just believe will accomplish nothing; must repent and convert to have past sins blotted out
Pastor speaks to preachers and points out fact that they teach the lies they are compelled to spread because of those who control them – Sunday worship is example; they know Sabbath is Seventh Day but they teach Sunday; the word “Lord” has nothing to do with Yahweh or Yahshua but represents dead rabbis; the origin of the word “god” is unknown – possibly European invention and never used in ancient manuscripts; every authority says the Creator’s Name is Yahweh; ultimately we are servants to whom we obey – the Lords/Gods (sin) which leads to death or obedience to Yahweh/His Laws which leads to life; the Reward of Yahweh is Eternal Life (Romans 6:23)
The Name Yahshua is the only Name to lead to salvation (Acts 4:10-12)
Mini-Study: Hebrews 4:8 in KJV with center reference reveals they know that the Name Yahshua is key to salvation; the deliberate changing name to Jesus/Joshua is the deception that Yisrayl brings to everyone’s attention; he gives Strong’s numbers 3091, 3068, 1961 with explanations showing the Name Yahshua comes from the Name Yahweh!!!!! (Proving they know the facts but choose to reject Yahweh as they did in the Prophet Samuyl’s day – “give us a king”)
Pastor encourages parents/teachers to teach children by kerosene lamplight as a meaningful experience
Scriptures: Malakyah 4:2; Micahyah 4:1-3; Romans 6:16, 23, 8:29; Revelation 22:14; Yahchanan 8:44; Genesis 3:5; Acts 4:10-12; Hebrews 4:8