A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Sabbath Line-Up
Female Scholars Expound from Yah-matria
- Details on Sunday becoming worldly observance of Sabbath, contrary to Yahweh’s Law; traces back to Constantine, 300 years after death of Yahshua; in Yahshua’s day people observed Seventh Day Sabbath
- Satan’s way in numbers shows: blood; choosing this way brings curses; Yahweh’s Way brings blessings
- Ark represents protection of Yahweh; Feasts are Yahweh’s Shadow of protection; parallels today between Last Days warning to Noah’s day call to enter the ark
- Yahshua was hated/persecuted because He taught Yahweh’s Name/Laws
- Yahweh does not change; Yahshua/House of Yahweh in unity with Yahweh; Yahshua gave warning
- Last Days warning message comes from Yisrayl (He who rules as Yahweh); throughout the world, people can receive inspiration listening to his teachings – 7-year peace plan, benefits of sun, how to prepare, ashes of red heifer, etc.
Numbers today: 42, 123, 122, 119, 738, 1623, 1803, 322, 1074, 3091, 1896, 316, 828, 3069, 1980, 330,
Scriptures today: Revelation 11:1-3, 14, 22:14, 18; Malakyah 3:6; Isayah 65:4; Yahchanan 7:7; Romans 1:21; Genesis 6:11; Hebrews 13:8; Mattithyah 24:3; I Yahchanan 3:4, 7; Zecharyah 6:12; Deuteronomy 18:18; Amosyah 3:7
Men’s Portion
Secrets Unlocked – Deacon Michayl Asaph and Kohan Benyamin C.
- Yah-matria – Topic: Part 3 The Quartet of Comets Numbers: 704, 702, 4224, 4224, 8447, 1228, 732, 122, 279, 1674, 1672, 2105, 996, 3689, 3688, 2213, 2237, 2114, 3917, 2350, 3201, 2201, 1391, 8346, 666, 7997, 1088, 349, 2094, 3022, 3021
- Bible Code – Topic: Nuclear Baby Reveals: Ankara, firstborn, 2020, denial, deadly, frightening, Lilith, panic, separatists, oil, blockade, bomb, one-hour burning, darkening, despair, hopelessness, Oslo, perplexity, roaring
Scriptures: Isayah 24:1, Revelation 17:5, Iyyob 1:7
In the News – Kohan Yliyah H.
- Pork factory shut down
- US Governors join to restart country without clear idea on how (economy)
- Retirement homes vulnerable to virus
The Last Days’ Witness and Greatest Teacher in the World
Yisrayl Hawkins began by rehearsing Prophecies showing length of time (5 months) for coronavirus. Over 3.6 million viewers last Sabbath, 8.6 million combined video views, ads 25 million views
- The next plague will be worse than the current; we are in last 3 ½ years of bible Prophecy; Revelation 16 plagues are detailed in Scripture (here a little, there a little); next plague will involve world events; cause is the rejection of Yahweh’s Laws (Isayah 24:1-6, I Yahchanan 3:4-17 for cause of last plague); last seven plagues shown in numbers/Yah-matria
- News articles: War on coronavirus; TX first state to re-open keeping physical distancing in place along with masks; Idaho earthquakes (Pastor rehearses Abilene area least likely place on earth to have earthquakes), March 18, 2020 had 7.8 earthquake followed by 886 smaller ones; mega drought began in 1920 and continues to get worse; Russia poses threat to US space defense systems; ocean floor has leaks – causing ocean water to move to places where it was not supposed to be; testing of bombs continue, disregarding the developing problem on ocean floor
- Mankind could use natural blessings from the earth for proper reasons or use for war, fighting, hatred
- 1934 – increase in knowledge, bomb, birth of Last Days’ Witness, Yisrayl; 4,199 religions following the way of Satan; House of Yahweh only Work prophesied to do Yahweh’s Work – if world had repented in 1976 (Mark of the Beast published), they could have avoided the coming disaster of nuclear burning
- Revelation 12:9 – Satan deceives the whole world; deception causes plagues to come
- Today, religions reject Yahweh’s Righteousness – spread deception by saying “those old Jewish” ways (Laws); in Yahshua’s time – the Pharisees, Essenes, Sadducees, and Herodians (they were the Coptic Catholics that came from Egypt – they worshipped all Gods); Satan uses propaganda of “old Jews” to malign Yahweh’s Laws/Prophecies and associate this with Yahweh’s Last Days’ Work; also applying this same propaganda against modestly dressed working people
- If a person is for war – they are classified as murderers according to Yahweh’s Laws; a person raised in Christianity is taught to believe the “old Jewish” propaganda (promoted in schools, Christmas, religious belief “you won’t surely die,” etc.)
- Pastor admonishes all to believe that every Prophecy will come to pass and supports Yahshua’s words in Luke 24:25 – only fools do not believe the Prophecies
- Those who practice iniquity will suffer the curses they bring upon themselves
Scriptures: I Samuyl 8:4-8, I Yahchanan 3, Genesis 3:1-7, Mattithyah 7:17-19