A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Yisrayl Hawkins took the time and he made every effort to get Yahweh’s Knowledge to us; we have all his work available to us through books, booklets, sermons, and articles.
Men’s Presentation
Values are what we believe in and feel strongly about and shape our characters; we take our calling seriously; we are Yahweh’s treasure
Sin was in the Earth and universe before Yahweh created mankind; He gives mankind opportunity to choose Righteousness
With obedience and study we will be able to endure; the hardest thing we’ll ever accomplish is becoming part of Yahweh’s Family of Priests; 6,000 years of sin has shaped the world; we must make right choices and not fall under negative influences to sin; we have the desire to sin, but we must (and can) overcome it
Pastor’s Lot #17, 28, 74 with Hebrew numbering system and Lexicon study: witness, standing, appoint by proper authority, ability, power, the voice of Yahweh, future, third person, masculine, to exalt, to make rejoice, he will sprinkle; summary: the Witness will come to testify for Yahweh, to all nations, bringing forth rejoicing – this is part of what Yisrayl’s lot means
Training and testing will help us attain to our positions, thereby proving our trustworthiness; we will be given “high pressure” jobs, therefore, it is needful for us to be put under pressure through our tests/trials
Yahweh controlled Yisrayl’s life in many ways in order to fulfill Prophecies written about the Last Days Witness; example is music – Yisrayl’s experiences have led him to development of Righteous music
Yahweh expects us to believe and convert – when we see, we believe. This is the way Yahweh created us, based on the present and our five senses, Yahweh uses them to get our attention and we build from there. Furthermore, the things that are written are clearly seen – we have been called, our eyes have been opened to the Truth – we have no excuse; believing without seeing keeps us enduring until the end – we keep focused on our first love and the zeal we have for Yahweh and His Laws. We have all that Yahweh has given us as proof, therefore, we can believe all that the Prophets have written; Yahweh expects us to believe and convert; weekly confessions should not be taken lightly, they are not a license to sin – thoughtlessly thinking we can keep on doing unrighteousness over and over without consequence
Yahweh will convince the universe that mankind can and will rule in Righteousness; Yahweh is building a House that cannot be moved; a load is a construction term, a continuous load path is needed to withstand outside elements, and this can be compared to Yahweh’s House and the detail He has put forth through Unity, to establish His House
Cornerstone is the starting point; with Yahshua, Yisrayl has established Yahweh’s House in these Last Days
Brothers and sisters are not our tests, Satan’s system is what tempts and tests our resolve; Satan’s influences are set up to build violence, aggression, etc.; sin is like a drug, when we turn from it there are withdrawal symptoms, but we can overcome it all through Yahweh’s Laws and the teaching available in The House of Yahweh
Scriptures: Yahchanan 1:45-50, 4:14-20, 20:24-29; Yahdah 5-6; Genesis 1:26, 2:9, 4:7, 16-17; Psalm 8:4-8, 15:2-5, 119:71; Hebrews 2:5-8, 12:2-4; Exodus 3:16, 4:1-7, 20:20; Romans 8:6-7; Malakyah 3:1-3; I Kepha 1:7, 4:12; Iyyob 4:18, 15:15; Acts 14:22, Mattithyah 11:2-6, 29-30; Isayah 28:16, 34:16-18; I Corinthians 3:9-13, 15:21-23; Zecharyah 4:9
Conclusion: We are here to turn many to Righteousness as the Prophet Daniyl said, “those who are wise will shine as the brightness of the heavens and those who turn many to Righteousness, as the stars forever and ever.”