A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Women’s Presentation – Improve Ourselves and Qualify – this is it, The End
- Improve means: to make/become better; Pastor encourages us to keep striving, improve ourselves, and be example for others
- Linen and wool have same frequency, 5,000 – Yahweh says, in His Law, not to mix these fabrics because the frequencies collapse
- Yahweh called His People to His House according to His Will – we must not lose our focus, not get distracted by world, not react on emotions, etc.
- Yahweh desires for His People to choose to live according to His Will, He does not want us to fail
- Never take Yahweh’s purpose for our lives for granted; we are in a process of proving ourselves worthy at this time – we might have given up “a lot” but consider this is “our lot” before Yahweh; it is our reasonable service, we must be mindful – we can’t just do whatever we want; strive to be thankful
- We do not give up because we believe this is Yahweh’s Last Days’ Work and there is no other – Yahweh commanded us to be strong and courageous, He teaches us how to succeed; know that Yahweh is always there for us, therefore we pray without ceasing
- US Embassy moved to Jerusalem, waiver to delay peace plan has been signed; we have believed without seeing for years and now, The House of Yahweh, is at the time of The End
- Yahweh’s Priests/Priesthood will guide all peoples by Yahweh’s Judgments, they will teach Yahweh’s Judgments and His Laws; at this time we are training to have authority over the Work of Yahweh’s Hands; never forget that Yahweh loves us – He calls us His Special Treasure
- Details from the life of Queen Hadassah (The Book of Hadassah) and life lessons we can learn from trusting in Yahweh
- How do we keep ourselves in Righteousness – maintain our character on a daily basis (a work in progress as we strive to be perfect); we know and agree with the Law because it is proven to be the perfect way to live; we must fight the Righteous fight (it is the reason we have been called to His House); steps to follow 1) pray 2) study
- Sleep cycles are designed by Yahweh; throughout the night there are several cycles – two hours before we wake, the body (anatomically) prepares to wake up; alarm clock triggers end of sleep cycle; hitting snooze button alters the perfect time to rise for study; dozing (snooze button) triggers a new sleep cycle to begin – the five/ten minute snooze confuses our body
- Details on recent cloud sighting on word “End” with corresponding numbers and meanings
- Statistics on medical mistakes in hospitals are horrendous – numbers show reason behind the errors; alternatives to hospital/doctor visits – advice from the Priests of Yahweh, anointing, fasting, proper diet, have a forgiving nature to build emotional wellbeing, be thankful, trust in Yahweh
- We are in last 3 ½ years; Daniyl’s Prophecy rehearsed with historical accounts about Iran (Persia)
- Hold on to talents and improve them – this is a serious time period and we ought to reflect
- The Parable of the Talents (Mattithyah 25:14-30/13:12,21); do not be slothful; talents are not money; our talents 1) understanding – covert/become teachers 2) improve – develop, increase, reform, change, mend, get well, heal
- Yahweh’s merciful/compassionate attribute along with Yahweh’s perfect Laws will heal/convert the world/universe; Yahweh’s Law of helping our neighbor with burden, whether friend or enemy, draws out Yahweh’s Righteous Character within us proving that ONLY Yahweh’s Laws will heal everything and everyone, including ourselves – Yahweh be glorified!
Some Scriptures from Today’s Presentation: II Timothy 2:15, 19; Isayah 34:16, 42:3; Mattithyah 6:33, 26:39; Deuteronomy 8:2, 17:9-11; Exodus 4:10-15, 20:20; Yeremyah 1:5-6, 17; Yahchanan 5:30, 20:29; Galatians 5:7; Hebrews 10:36; Yahshua 1:9; Ecclesiastes 7:10; Yahchanan Mark 4:19; Proverbs 6:10; Romans 9:27-28; Revelation 3:9-11; Daniyl 2:44-45; Psalm 19:7
Several Numbers from Today’s Presentation: 4160, 3594, 3595, 322, 4238, 6, 575, 2928, 32, 320, 24, 29, 1121, 62, 12, 2025, 2898, 431, 36, 1074, 415, 828, 643, 4632, 3903, 5086, 2105, 1620