A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Sabbath Line-Up
Female Scholars Expound from Gematria
- Prophesied historical events include third temple plans; numbers detailed
- What hinders someone from seeing Truth in Prophecy – unbelieving/slow of heart, not practicing Righteousness, neglecting studies
- Yahweh is Father of Abraham and Yisrayl; Who has come from genes of Abraham; We’re the descendants of Abraham today – Abraham’s seed do the works of Abraham (Numbers in Gematria)
- Yisrayl prepares us for adoption process to be Yahweh’s Family – we must overcome, hold fast to Work until the end, practice Righteousness
Numbers today: 1074, 1061, 17, 8304, 8280 (828), 1101, 894, 322, 2747, 4464, 1924
Scriptures today: Daniyl 9:24-25; Genesis 2:9; Luke 16:11, 24:25; Mattithyah 24; Revelation 11:1; Romans 8:15-16; Ephesians 4:11-16
Men’s Portion
Secrets Unlocked – Deacon Michayl and Kohan Benyamin
- Bible Code Topic – evil as gods; Reveals: evil as Gods, Catholic, Christianity, bethel, destruction, adversary, rabbi, lord, demon, malice, masonry, Nimrod, Roman, Mary, Yahdah, 666, cps, abomination, damned, universal, way of Cain, war, warfare, Coptic, Egypt, sorcery, adultery, ugly, made by computer
- Gematria Topic – City of Yisrayl; Numbers – 2121, 2142, 357, 828, 2145, 3478, 8280, 5977, 5975, 1122, 187, 188, 1129, 1121, 1125, 835, 977, 2019, 2996, 1568, 3730, 1739, 1991, 6732, 357, 6800, 327, 2439, 2440, 322, 2622, 5432, 3247, 4886, 57, 342, 512, 777, 56, 109, 654, 1074, 1893, 1883, 948, 3843, 3835, 2358, 2357, 2133, 2122, 978, 977
Scriptures: Genesis 3:4-5, Psalm 82:1-7, Deuteronomy 27:26
In the News – Kohan Yliyah
- Earthquakes; South China Sea – disputes over oil; increased sanctions upon Iran
- Russia/India working to trade without US dollar; Pakistan threatens India over Kashmir
- Fungible: exchanging for equal value; Liquidity: easy to get rid of
The Last Days’ Witness and Greatest Teacher in the World
Yisrayl Hawkins detailed previous viewing audience of 207,000 increasing to 335,000
Highlights today…
- News articles: oil attacks on Saudi Arabia indicating fulfillment of Prophecies found in Mattithyah 24; a small nuclear exchange, between US/Russia, would result in 18 million deaths/day
- Feast – will be best ever, Pastor tells us to stand strong; realize that troubles we have are for sole purpose of making us stronger
- Yahshua is our defender but will not speak on our defense if we go against our authorities and rebel against Yisrayl – it is sin
- Prophecy of 7-year plan was written in 1976 but didn’t come into effect until 1993; according to Yahweh’s Plan, Prophecies were written to go into effect at a set time
- Yahmatria (from Gematria) gives numbers that support teachings, Bible Codes reveal pertinent information; however, it remains important, for most of us, to focus our studies upon Books of Yisrayl and The Book of Yahweh; allow those who are qualified to study and utilize online bible tools
- Example: Philip spoke with Ethiopian (Acts 8) shows we need a teacher to explain the Scriptures
- Sarah wanted Hagar to leave because her son was evil and would have been a negative influence on Isaac, similar situation with Mosheh
- In Last Days, Yahshua’s presence in the courts of heaven – Yahshua presents Yahweh’s Plan to heavenly courts but only after He trained for 2,000 years (timed with Last Days’ House of Yahweh established according to Prophecy)
- Necessity of linen – Yahshua represents us through linen frequency (like river of information about each person Yahweh has called to His Work)
- Heavenly court trial has granted us the right to wear the white (bright) linen; Feasts are our protection
- We must be perfect example of Righteousness in all areas of our lives
- Steps: 1) called 2) go to the place 3) follow instruction of Priests 4) keep 7th Day Sabbath
- Do not forsake the gathering on Yahweh’s Sabbath Days if it is within your ability to do so
- Cigarette smoking is an example of seeking pleasures to replace Scripture study; today we have many distractions including car, TV, movies, etc. and visitation
- Yahweh’s People will prove themselves obedient before the Great Day of Yahweh