A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Women’s Portion
In the days of the voice of the 7th malak; white stone of acquittal, opposing Babylon/666, Satan thrown out of heaven, unveiling Satan, Two Witnesses selected, tent, covering, Tabernacle, measure Temple
Book of Yahweh is the only source of knowledge, war in heaven prophesied
Defilement causes confusion; sin separates us from Yahweh
Father of multitude – social media efforts have reached millions; light reaches all nations; reverence Yahweh’s Name by keeping His Laws
Numbers today: 1909, 1994, 3074, 3022, 1262, 255, 1530, 1644, 2019, 2015, 85, 1030, 8121, 503, 505, 4787, 3018
Scriptures today: Revelation 2:17, 7:9, 10:7, 12:7-8; Micahyah 3:6; Psalm 19:4; Genesis 1:26; Isayah 45:1; Yahchanan 1:1; Leviticus 18:5-30; Isayah 59:1-2; Yeremyah 23:3; Mattithyah 24:14, 21
Men’s Portion
The Great Deacon Michayl Asaph – Bible Code
Topic #1 – The Two Olive Trees reveals: two olive trees, Yaaqob, Yisrayl, Revelation 11:4, Zecharyah 4:11, Yahshua, for Yahweh, Priests anointed by Yahweh, Laws of Yahweh, golden oil, anointed by Yahweh brothers, stands for Yahweh
Topic #2 – Deal of Century reveals: tyrant, domination, Jerusalem, melt, fervent heat, useless, no waiver, Oslo, Yahdah, Babylonians, war, rebellious Lilith
Scriptures: Revelation 11:4, Zecharyah 4:11, Daniyl 9:27
The Great Kohan Shaul – Seven-Year Plan
The Kohan rehearses Prophecy on the time period we are living in now – the seven year agreement with times of action and inaction
Everything is lining up as Yahweh prophesied – nuclear wars coming, Prophecies are sure
During this same time period, Yahweh is perfecting His Family
Yisrayl made seven trips to Middle East, met with leaders on both sides of the conflict
In 1997 Peaceful Solution to Building the Temple presented in Israyl with large media presence; Name of Yahweh was spoken at that time; plans to build temple without destroying Dome of the Rock
Scriptures: Mattithyah 24:3, 7-8; Daniyl 9:24, 27; Genesis 1:26; Isayah 8:20, 22; Amosyah 3:1; Revelation 10:7, 11, 11:5
The Great Kohan Benyamin C. – Gematria Presentation
Subject: And a Time to Build Up
Numbers: 1934, 87, 834, 3481, 2862, 1976, 2088, 835, 1122, 1129, 32, 1997, 1909, 3479, 1074, 2098, 2088, 2090, 2279, 2278, 40, 2166, 411, 798, 792
Scriptures: Isayah 44:5; Ecclesiastes 3:1-3, 8; Revelation 10:7, 11, 11:2; Mattithyah 24:14; Romans 10:14-15; Yechetzqyah 40:5
The Great Kohan Yahodah – Micahyah 3:9-12
Restored verses reveal: false prophets, rely on, trust in, declare, emphatic yes, war-like people
Showing verses which expose God worshippers – after money and war; Yahdah moved to Rome
Supporting Scriptures: Book of Revelation
The Great Kohan Yliyah H. – in the news
CDC Report
Trade wars
War ship in Strait of Taiwan
Nuclear Threat Greatest since WW2
Syria accused of planning chemical attack
The Last Days’ Witness and Greatest Teacher in the World
Yisrayl Hawkins discusses details surrounding information on Peaceful Solution for the Middle East conflict and the Work of The House of Yahweh. The Gematria supports the Work as well. News articles reveal efforts toward war in the same area – Damascus is an example.
The Book of Yahweh lays out Yahweh’s Plan; Only Yahweh can foretell, and He keeps details hidden from those who do not reverence His Name and His Laws
In the Last Days, Yahweh will bring His blessings back but only from The House of Yahweh – in The House of Yahweh we learn to seek Yahweh/His Righteousness through the Priests’ instructions
32 million spent, per hour, on war, since 2001
In Mattithyah 24, Yahshua describes time of the end, which supports Daniyl’s writings; verse 7 shows state of world in this time period along with the deception
The word church (Circe) reveals authority from dragon – ecclesiastical authority/power
Pastor exposes Pope’s deceptive teachings about Jesus by reminding us about lack of the letter “j” prior to the KJV along with the origins of the “mother church” in the time of Cain
Scriptures: Amosyah 3:6-7, Micahyah 3:1-12, Daniyl 2:37-38