A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Sabbath Line-Up
Female Scholars Expound from Yah-matria
- Numbers for Hot Bird 613 satellite House of Yahweh broadcast
- Heaven/earth created so mankind would have protection and guidance; prophesied protected place is The House of Yahweh in these Last Days; prepare for Passover 2020; saved through Yahshua’s life; put on life of Yahshua, walk as He walked by keeping Yahweh’s Laws
- Work of Yahweh continues to grow – it started very small but now over 1.2 million views
Numbers today: 1349, 1980, 330, 113, 4140, 690, 3401, 2730, 314, 1884, 1074, 322, 493, 814, 1816, 179, 1259, 828
Scriptures today: Mattithyah 6:33, 24:14; Revelation 12:9, 14:9, 19:8; Deuteronomy 6:25, 18:18; Zecharyah 6:13; Malakyah 4:1-6; Psalm 118:26, 119:9; II Timothy 2:19; Isayah 59:1-2; Ephesians 4:23-24; Isayah 44:1, 7; Acts 3:22; Luke 13:18-19; Daniyl 12:3
Men’s Portion
Secrets Unlocked – Deacon Michayl Asaph and Kohan Benyamin C.
- Bible Code – Topic: Voice of Yahweh Reveals: Buffalo Bill, Abel Way, Abel, conductor, administrator, 1074, JG, Okie, Yisrayl (x 23), Dabar (Laws) of Yahweh, Yahshua, Samuyl, peace, praised, Yaaqob, Abraham, Prophetic Word, House of Yahweh at Abel, Branches, Walnut Creek, Witnesses, homestead
Topic: House of Yahweh Facebook live – over a million Reveals: over a million joined/linked; Samuyl 24, 1980, Judge Rebekah
- Yah-matria – Topic: Four Horns Cut Off Numbers: 5172, 1428, 1429, 5247, 199, 1210, 1194, 1356, 2749, 2748, 2747, 5905, 3543, 3551, 3586, 3584, 104, 624, 325, 1053, 666, 238, 241, 1082, 117, 142, 702, 7251, 7794, 7908, 5268, 2218, 2266, 1404, 4194, 7613, 5375, 1241, 1982, 1980
Commentaries/Restored Holy Scriptures – Kohan Yahodah
- III Yahchanan 10-11 reveals: Yahweh the Eternal Father, to do right, act right (Righteousness), to perceive, to cause to learn, a witness, piece of testimony
Scriptures: III Yahchanan 10-12, Revelation 1:8, I Timothy 3:15
In the News – Kohan Yliyah H.
- China/India work toward controlling the price of oil (Iran/Russia oil)
- Germany wants to buy natural gas from Russia – US opposes pipeline
- Russian spy ship off coast of US; Turkey sanctioned by US
- Multi-polarity governments forming
The Last Days’ Witness and Greatest Teacher in the World
Yisrayl Hawkins began with news articles…
- Iran turns to China/India in face of US sanctions; Russia has hypersonic weapon that could escalate war
- At 7:05 pm the viewing number rolled over a million; 705 from 702 means 4 (Quartet)
- Pastor rehearses teaching on two trees from beginning – House of Yahweh and God worshippers
- Jeopardy question – which planet is Catholic Church interested in: Jupiter
- This generation – the hardest there is (Satan has the most influence at this time)
- Adam and Eve – Eve sinned then Adam followed – Hebrew shows that Eve sinned, afterward the
thendesire to put others down comes; Adam sinned by not handling the problem correctly – do not let emotions rule our behavior - The Peaceful Solution teaches how to handle problems; Yahshua is the perfect example
- Caution to parents: do not permit your children to watch TV and other forms of entertainment
- Repent, convert, and partake of Passover
- The study of Scriptures (through Laws, Teacher) begets Yahweh’s Family
- Cain taught ‘evil like the Gods’
- Don’t let emotions, lust, riches, rule over us – strive to come out from among them, do not partake of God worship
Scriptures: Revelation 6:6; Acts 3:19; Genesis 2:9, 3:1-5; Mattithyah 18:16