A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Women’s Presentation
- Yahweh calls whom He wills to His House by opening their minds to the Truth
- We can stay planted if we allow Yahweh to establish us – follow the instructions in The House of Yahweh for how to be established for Yahweh’s Kingdom
- Sin has a ripple effect – sicknesses, diseases, abortions, STIs, etc. are results of sin
- Come out of negative influences; produce Righteous fruit not distracted by events in the world; work on establishing ourselves as those who produce Righteous fruit
- Endurance/obedience are most important; believe/trust in the Prophecies; be the ones to fulfill Genesis 1:26; set our minds in advance; if we stumble, we have the ability to get back up if we focus on enduring/trusting in Yahweh
- We have many examples set before us in Scripture of those who endured tests and trials; we must rejoice in our tests today
- Lamplight phrases in Gematrix reveal much about cafeteria, messenger, ransom, volunteer, etc.
- Helpmeet is an apt description because women work on being prepared, including knowing the Laws of Yahweh; a Righteous helpmeet is humble, accepts correction, and is valuable to Yahweh; they love Yahweh’s Laws, His Work, His Family
- We all must recognize why we remain in Yahweh’s House and build upon our studies
- Establishing The House of Yahweh was fulfilled by Yisrayl Hawkins as prophesied – our job is to hold fast/endure
- Yahshua/Yisrayl are examples of teachers who helped us to believe all that the Prophets have spoken
- Yahweh gives us our life and future ability to raise the dead, He will give us use of our subconscious mind
- We must learn how to accept life – Pastor taught us to understand how everything within Yahweh’s Plan was set in place from the beginning; Yahweh knew us before He laid the foundation of the earth; Yahweh wants to know what is in our hearts, tests/trials reveal all
- We have the ability to choose to do Righteousness – this is powerful
- A saint is one who keeps the Laws of Yahweh; they have promise of Salvation from Yahweh
A few numbers today: 1869, 453, 1933, 322, 166, 165, 828, 138, 41, 53, 1074
A few Scriptures today: Deuteronomy 6:7, 25, 28:9; Mattithyah 5:17, 25:1-5; Luke 24:25; Hebrews 3:5, 11:1-2; Isayah 44:7; Exodus 20:20; Romans 8:12-14, 16-17; Proverbs 1:8, 31:10-12, 27; Genesis 3:5, 14; I Kepha 3:4-5; Revelation 14:12, 22:14; Daniyl 7:26