A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Sabbath Line-Up
Children Will Prophesy – Son of Yisrayl Abel
We Must Repent and Call Upon Yahweh’s Name
The Great Kohan Qoheleth spoke on duties of Priesthood
Pastor explained that Cain and Abel were not boys but Priests of Yahweh; through Pastor’s teaching, about their offerings, we recognized that Abel understood that we need a Savior
Yahweh’s objective is that Yahweh’s People obey the Voice of Yahweh; we must eat the meat of the word – put away sacrifices but practice discerning the difference between Righteousness and evil; learn to do Righteousness
Yahweh’s People are being built to be The House of Yahweh; offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to Yahweh – we are the Body of Messiah; not physical sacrifices, as in former times, because they could not take away sin
Specific example of offering – grain offering; grain means innate quality or character of a thing; innate means from mind or intellect; therefore the grain offering reveals our character is to be trained to highest point of efficiency; grain comes from wheat; fine flour had to be free of impurities, and we must be free of sin; every offering required salt, oil, frankincense, fire, light, and the Kohan gave us detailed explanations for each; flour sifted 13 times which coincides with Yahweh’s 13 Attributes
Remember Satan would want to remove us from Yahweh’s House; we must endure tests and rejoice through our tribulations because Yahweh has a Plan for us, and we have hope in Yahweh our Father – definitely cause for rejoicing!
It is imperative that we go through difficult times in order to learn we are to seek Yahweh for everything; furthermore, we must prove to Yahweh that He can trust us
Yahshua was a sweet smelling aroma to Yahweh through His Life of keeping Yahweh’s Laws perfectly
The Kohan paraphrased Leviticus 2:1-2 on the grain offering in spiritual sense and is worthy of a re-visit to appreciate a deeper meaning (hence the meat)
Scriptures: Genesis 4:2-5; Yeremyah 7:21-23; Hebrews 5:14, 10:1-10; I Corinthians 3:16, 9-15; I Kepha 2:4-5; Leviticus 2:1-2, 11, 13, 23:8; Mattithyah 3:12; Luke 22:31; II Corinthians 7:9-11; I Timothy 1:6-7; Ephesians 5:1-2
The Great Kohan Mattithyah A. spoke about tests/trials that young people face
Our minds are not designed to automatically choose to do right, we must face mental battles and overcome the carnal mind
Pride is a great obstacle to overcome; we must be diligent to be on guard against pride, because it leads to destruction; pride can destroy Spirit Holy
Pastor taught we must accept and submit ourselves humbly to the teachings taught in Yahweh’s House through His Servant, Yisrayl
A young person is always given instruction or “told what to do” and it is important to submit to correction and instruction; this concept applies to all ages but most notably to a young person
The human mind is the greatest computer – man will never be able to replicate it; access to full use of the mind Yahweh gave us will come to those who obey Yahweh completely
The Kohan gave several examples of how our minds are easily drawn to carnality, while seeking after Righteousness which we must be trained to achieve – learn to strive for it
The word priest has the meaning of guarding and inspecting all aspects of life and reason; they seem to be “sticking their nose in everything”; we all should be thankful for their intervention
Although we have different jobs/roles in Yahweh’s House, we are mindful that Yahweh’s Plan is to build us to become Priests and Priestesses in Yahweh’s House; we are to teach Yahweh’s Way, His Judgments for all eternity throughout the Universe
This is our one-time opportunity to accomplish a meaningful life; and we have great things to look forward to, including resurrecting those who lived before us, being great managers
Scriptures: I Corinthians 13:11; Psalm 55:22, 101:5; Romans 1:21, 28; Proverbs 16:18-19; Yeremyah 9:12-14,
The Great Kohan David D. spoke on our ways/work that reflect what is going on in our heart
Why did they want to have a king in Samuyl’s time instead of Yahweh – because they rejected Yahweh
We should want to be like David and be a person who is after Yahweh’s Own Heart
Qualities of David: he did not take offense, he strove to have a pure, clean heart; he did not retaliate, he was loyal to Yahweh’s anointed; the Kohan cautioned against focusing on David’s sin for he repented fully, do not make the error in thinking a person can sin deliberately by citing David’s sin – that would be a gross error
How does Yahweh examine our heart – He sees what we do and what we say, for it is a reflection of what is going on in our heart; we must not become proud/arrogant; Yahweh seeks for humility
Of note: When Samuyl was seeking for a replacement for King Shaul, David was not among the brothers and had to be summoned; David did not take offense to not being present, and the Kohan tells us not to take offense if we are not included or invited and feel we are neglected – know that if we strive to have Yahweh’s Own Heart – we have Yahweh with us; remember that Yahweh tests/examines our hearts and we should be thankful
Treat others with respect; be disrespected rather than being disrespectful toward others
Attain to gathering the precious oil of teaching from Pastor every Sabbath – it is our golden anointing oil toward the offices we are attaining to
Do not reject the jobs we have been given – they train us for greater work
David proved that he would lay down his life for the sheep – he didn’t just “do his job” he did more, he went above and beyond, he did more than he was commanded to do (that is our reasonable service, our duty)
To Supervisors: see that the work is done but also to allow others to do more – their willingness to do more is vital to Yahweh, do not hinder their efforts
Strive to stop cursing because cursing defiles us and diminishes our efforts to purify our hearts before Yahweh
Scriptures: Acts 13:21-22; Yeremyah 17:9-10; Revelation 22:12; Romans 15:4; I Samuyl 9:1-2, 16:4-13, 17:32-34; Luke 17:10
The Great Kohan Kenath spoke about preparing ourselves for Yahshua’s Memorial and Passover in Unity
Feast of Unleavened Bread – 19th-27th fourth roman month (approximately 7 weeks from this date)
Yahshua had the foundation to become in Yahweh’s Image, He fulfilled every Prophecy written about Him; Yahshua showed the Power of the Law over sin; we would not know how to conquer sin without Yahshua’s Perfect Sacrifice
Pastor taught us how to endure through persecution/sufferings; we see the world at this time under the deception of sin – these are perilous times
Upon baptism we show that in our hearts we desire to be Righteous
We must follow rules/guidelines set down by Pastor and not attempt to take responsibilities/authority that is not given to us
The way we become in Unity with Yahweh is to repent of our sins; the restoration (Acts 3:21) we long for is dependent upon our overcoming and coming into Unity
We have the objective of removing all hatred and anger from our hearts/minds regarding our brethren before we make offerings to Yahweh (Mattithyah 5:23-24); this is a lawful teaching (Leviticus 6:5-6)
We have to be forgiving – learn to forgive; extremely important before Yahshua’s Memorial
Scripture: Leviticus 6:2-7, 23:5; Hebrews 1:1-4; I Corinthians 15:55-57; II Timothy 3:10-12, 1-5; Mattithyah 5:21-24, 20:20-23; Psalm 91:1-11; Colossians 2:16-17; Acts 3:18-22; Deuteronomy 8:2, 5; Philippians 2:12-18; Yahchanan Mark 11:25-26