A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Children Will Prophesy – Sons of Yisrayl Abel
- The Instructions for the Last Days
- Benefits of the Law – Sanctifying Yahweh’s Name
Men’s Presentation
The Great Deacons…
- Study not to be deceived – Yahweh compels us to study through the increase in knowledge. Examples: Yisrayl Says Program, materials in The House of Yahweh, Bible Codes, etc.
- Everyone should understand they will not be saved by grace but rather keeping Yahweh’s Laws
- Listen to Pastor’s sermon on 6/29/2019 for details of the last 3½ years of tribulation
- Be aware of what is going on in world at this time while not denying holiness in our lives – those who endure will inherit Yahweh’s Kingdom
- Our focus to work on – not my will, but Your Will, Father Yahweh; what can I do to please my brother or sister – it takes courage and commitment
- “Taking up Yahshua’s yoke”– requires daily effort, we lose our old life upon baptism in order to save our lives for the Kingdom
- To be Disciples of Yahshua, focus on imitating the life of Yahshua –forsake our former lives led by lust of the flesh
- Question: What do I deserve? Think scripturally – trials, tests are needed for we will rejoice in benefits of obedience, we will be “entitled” to eternal life; we must guard against subtleties of believing we are inherently deserving of privileges because of our trials – rewards come following overcoming sin and enduring while we wait on Yahweh
- Yahshua’s parable of the first and the last and the parable of the talents are discussed in detail to emphasize we will be rewarded according to our works and our attitudes we harbor toward one another
Numbers today – 445, 816, 136, 5580, 113, 137, 138, 139, 140, 2424, 4239, 5011, 533
Scriptures today – Mattithyah 11:29-30, 16:24, 20:1-16, 24:24, 25:14-15, 18-25; Hebrews 1:1-2; Titus 2:11-12; Romans 15:1-3; Luke 9:23-24, 14:25-27, 33; II Timothy 3:2-4; I Thessalonians 3:3; I Kepha 5:4, 4:12-13; Revelation 22:14; Proverbs 30:7-8; I Timothy 6:7-8; Ephesians 2:1-6, 8
The Great Kohans…
- The beast of the sea is the Catholic Church, the second beast from the Earth is the USA; news today proves deception is upon mankind with the mark of the beast upon them
- Obedience is key to Kingdom; effects of disobedience may prove fatal – flesh-eating diseases found on Florida beaches, therefore we should focus on Work of Yahweh over pursuit of vacations, etc.
- We see the effects of governments controlling oil, food supply, indoctrination of children, population control
- Laws of Yahweh are not to burden us but rather they are to protect us from the ravages of sin
- Pastor taught the intelligence of Adam/Eve – think of the responsibility of naming animals – their names had to match their characteristics
- We have great responsibility upon us when we are called to Yahweh’s House; part of our responsibility: to bring forth holy seed, preach Righteousness, guard the Tree of Life, proper use of supplies/tools we use in our jobs, prayers to Yahweh, building Yahweh’s House to train for our future responsibility of raising the dead
- We become busy in our minds, often we lose sight of responsibilities Yahweh has given us; Yahweh holds greatest responsibility to keep everything alive – we praise Yahweh that He maintains His responsibility toward His Creation perfectly
- With great responsibility comes great power – we must prove that we can overcome deception and take to heart the maintaining of life through our actions, learning to serve rather than expecting to be served, striving to become the immediate Family of Yahweh
Numbers today – 666, 2300, 107, 104
Scriptures today – Yahchanan 13:19; Revelation 13:1-18; I Kepha 1:3-9, 13-25; Iyyob 28:28