A Recap of Sabbath Services at the Great House of Yahweh…
Repenting of sin is the only way to achieve Righteousness!
Men’s Presentation
- The Ten Commandments have been lifted up via banner as prophesied; the Commandments are the Words of Yahweh – they are Laws
- Attitude of servitude and gratitude will help us to be steadfast; serving is volunteer
- To understand testing, we must be prepared to go beyond our comfort zone learning to overcome – not just lip service in The House of Yahweh but the fruits of our efforts should be manifest
- Yahweh’s Laws are the only way to the Kingdom; we must guard against sin entering our minds leading to lust, frustration, anger, grudges, etc.; Righteousness is a choice
- The Work of Yahweh is our reward; working with our brethren is a blessing; and the tests bring us closer to our reward of the Kingdom, success is measured by results and helping others is a great objective
- Enduring in The House of Yahweh is based on how much we value overcoming; realize we are tested according to what we need to overcome – our tests are designed for us in this way
- The called out ones at this time are chosen as first fruits by Yahweh for the attainment of glory, therefore, we must stand firm and hold fast to the teaching delivered to us by Yisrayl, the Witness of Yahweh; all of this is to the Glory of Yahweh – Yahshua has attained this and is our Perfect Example
- We are the only ones who can hinder Yahweh’s Plan for our lives; humility is needed to follow instruction
- Responsibility is a choice we must all make following our decision to follow Yahweh and His Laws; within the family, each member has a responsibility to do their part, otherwise there are consequences; a moral person makes moral choices; we must hold ourselves to a high standard
- How to become the Elect of Yahweh – II Timothy 2:15, Mattithyah 13:23, Yahchanan 3:13-14, Yahchanan Mark 16:15-16, 9:23, 28; Proverbs 14:15; Believe in Yahweh, study as we are taught and accept the teaching and “know” the Truth of the Prophecies and the fact that Yisrayl is the Last Days’ Witness
- This is the generation that all the Prophets spoke about, beginning in 1934 with increased knowledge for us to believe, seeing the increase in knowledge – modern forms of transportation, weapons capable of destroying the earth; The Book of Yahweh is available for us to search and read – long history, yet Yahweh’s Work is true, and we have it to read/study today
- Yahweh has blessed us to “see” – therefore we are held accountable for the knowledge He has revealed
- We are part of the Work to get Yahweh’s Name known throughout all the earth
Scriptures Today: Galatians 6:9; Isayah 8:19, 13:2; Romans 6:16, 15:5-6; I Corinthians 2:11-16, 3:12-13, 10:24; II Kepha 1:3; II Timothy 3:14; Iyyob 17:9; Genesis 4:6-7; I Yahchanan 3:4; Acts 3:19; II Yahchanan 1:8; Yaaqob 1:4; Hebrews 10:36, 12:2, 7, 11; Psalm 17:8, 104-1-35; Zecharyah 4:10, Proverbs 15:33; Colossians 1:16-18; Deuteronomy 30:15-18; Ephesians 5:15-19, 21, 25-26, 31, 6:1-4; Philippians 2:1-3, 5-8; Mattithyah 24:4; Zephanyah 3:9; II Chronicles 6:32-33
Conclusion: For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the Will of Yahweh, you may receive the promise (Hebrews 10:36) – therefore, we value endurance.